“They were just buried there in transport crates,” Mr Cundall said. “They were waxed, wrapped in greased paper and their joints tarred. They will be in near perfect condition.” source
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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The ultimate barn-find
I wonder what they’ll be worth, VonL?
Yes wouldn’t it be great if they can be recovered in reasonable condition.
Seems possible they would fly again given that some successful restorations have started with only a tail wheel and a decal off the fuel cap
The thirty or so flying examples in the world could almost double.
As for price ????? It’s a sure bet it will be well worth the £500,000 excavation costs anyway.
Yep. Just one of them would be worth that, if in good condition.
Excellent news,hope they all stayed safe and sound.No telling how many caches of similar items there are around the globe.
Here’s another Spitfire restoration-
That’s an amazing restoration job! When you consider that every single part, down to the last rivet, has to be inspected and certified….the amount of work is mind-boggling.
Yep,mind blowing amounts of work.Like MVL said earlier,dataplate and some bent tin,okay let’s build a plane
Just be thankful the current government is helping if Labour had any hand in this they would be dug up then sold off for scrap
Too right, Nigel–can’t have any reminders of pre-Gramscian Britain around, can we?
Can this US citizen have one – pleeeeeease!
I can’t think of a better home for it, Carol.
I remember years ago there was a flight of Lockheed P-38 Lightnings covered up under about 60 feet of ice in Greenland. Wonder what happened to those. I don’t think they were crushed, just encased.
This story about the Spits in very inspirational – Indiana Jones-like.
It may turn out to be the coolest story of the year, Dallas, if true.
At least one of the p-38s is flying again , she`s been named “Glacier Girl”
Good video, and seeing the other aircraft too is a bonus. Thanks Byron.