Thieving from NZ taxpayers–but it’s in a “good cause”

‘The widows of Indonesian fishermen who died when a Korean boat sank in New Zealand waters in 2010 have finally received compensation – not from the vessel’s owners or insurers, but from the taxpayer-funded Accident Compensation Corporation.
…So far South Korea’s Sajo Oyang Corporation, owners of the 38-year-old trawler Oyang 70, have done nothing for the families of five Indonesians killed when the vessel sank in 2010 in calm waters 740km off the Otago coast.
…Under the Accident Compensation Act, foreign charter vessel crew are not normally entitled to ACC payments because they are not tax residents. The charter company – in this case Southern Storm Fishing (2007) Ltd, an Oyang shell company – does not pay ACC levies.
….But (University of Auckland Business School researcher) Simmons and family advocate Daren Coulston campaigned to get the money because Oyang would not pay.
It’s not really hard to be generous–when it’s other people’s money. I suggest these two draw the money out off their own fucking bank accounts and reimburse the NZ taxpayers. I don’t view this as anything better than -or different to- outright theft.

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33 Responses to Thieving from NZ taxpayers–but it’s in a “good cause”

  1. mawm says:

    Ah, well…..we are know as the land of ‘free money’ by ‘asylum seekers’. :roll

    Those two deserve to have their nuts crushed in public! :gunner

  2. WebWrat says:

    OT but if you feel like a good spew …………


    And commenter Roberta is sharing it on her blog.

  3. oswald bastable says:

    It’s hard enough for a NEW ZEALANDER to get money out of ACC, despite having paid your dues through a lifetime of working. :censor

    • KG says:

      Now now, Oswald–our betters know where the money should be spent, and it’s not on the productive, ok?

    • KG says:

      My reaction to that, Grappler, is:
      fuck ’em! Return them to from whence they came and make them fix up the problems on their own patch. That will sort the “refugee” problem at source.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Hey I know. There plenty of call for computer science people here in Australia!

        3…2…1… :gunner

        • dondiego says:

          There is ALWAYS a labour shortage re seasonal work. If some prick can drag their arse all the way around the world to enjoy the benefits of my ancestors hard work the VERY LEAST they can do is pick a few buckets of mandarins or pumpkins or apples or cherries or kiwifruit or…
          I don’t give a rat-shit what anyone says I have seen multiple employers in this line short staffed. The only people not busy are the ones who make excuses.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      All he hasto do is touch land here and he can claim asylum for New Zillund.after all, he couldn’t get a job and so many people were, well were just so mean!

  4. mara says:

    Grappler. “Poor English skills, lack of work experience and foreign qualifications” and being called Teddy. Yeah, I start to see where there might be a problem.. Oh and welfare payments, free housing etc. Same old, same old. :roll

    • octagongrappler says:

      Mara what about the “diversity dividend”.. If you hired these migrants you would reap millions in profits as more diversity opens more ideas and innovation? Paul Spoonley said that :mrgreen:

  5. mara says:

    Press a liberal leftie about the benefits of diversity and they go …. “ah yes, most positive , ah innovation, umm, yes naturally, you must be RACIST to ask such a question; the undoubted benefits of openmindedness; the world is a village; yessss of course… ETHNIC food shops and RESTAURANTS!” Grappler, do you have any idea how sick I am of hearing this mucoidal, unmitigated HORSESHIT?! :rant

  6. KG says:

    Damn good link.

    • mawm says:

      The best way to solve the problem of not achieving is to take away all assistance. Need is a great motivator.

    • Moist von Lipwig says:

      Yes damned good link.
      The good Doctor has been pissing off the usual suspects for a few years now :mrgreen:

      • octagongrappler says:

        Its funny because Spoonley was angry at Dr Clydsdales report into pacific island immigration and productivity, And I heard that Clydsdale was pushed out of Massey.

        Yet he says Margaret Mutu’s comments were only slightly offensive about stopping white immigration. :rant

      • WAKE UP says:

        A quote from Moist’s second link: “Most New Zealanders recognise the need for an office to deal with racial discrimination, but de Bres goes far beyond this. He channels tax-payer resources into political issues. The irony is, we live at a time when racial ill-feeling has reached a level we have never been seen before in this country.”

        I disagree with the first sentence; the Race Relations Office is actually an impediment to good race relations. The third sentence is proof of this.

  7. dondiego says:

    Looks like I was mistaken: they did cop a wage . & there I was saying maori slavery was still practiced- only outsourced.
    [Was lead to believe at the time it first broke a Sth Island iwi contracted those Koreans their quota]
    Is Zauoi’s family dead yet? Takes a real man to flee the scene leaving wife and kids with torturous oppressors.
    But I guess since that’s not an accident there must be some other way to send my money to restore someones “faith in humanity”.

    Oh, and thanks for putting John Ansell’s link up.

  8. WAKE UP says:

    These people cannot get their own shit-hole countries to work, and they won’t work out in Australia either.

  9. WAKE UP says:

    “Poor English skills, lack of work experience and foreign qualifications are one barrier, “but they also come up against discrimination, which is very sad,” Hayden said”

  10. octagongrappler says:

    Spoon has form again today on TV 3 :popcorn

    “It’s a new development and I think New Zealanders are just getting used to how close we are going to be aligned with China, politically and economically,

    Read more:


  11. KG says:

    I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that sociologists are the scum of the earth. :evil:

  12. octagongrappler says:

    Funny thing is Spoonley was scathing of rogernomics and what it did to maori and pasifika, But he embraces free trade with china and the crafer deal? So why would he change his mind on free trade??

    • KG says:


      • octagongrappler says:


        This giy needs to be exposed as he is the most destructive and unchallenged commentator in NZ, He never has to justify his rants and gets a free ride.

        Maybe its time to do an expose on the Spoon :mrgreen: