That figures…

‘..A criminal lawyer charged with delivering a cellphone, cigarettes and a lighter to a high-profile murderer serving a life sentence has lost a four-month bid to keep her name suppressed.
Davina Valerie Murray, who ran as a candidate for the Maori Party in last year’s general election, was charged in November with smuggling an iPhone and other items to Liam James Reid…’

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27 Responses to That figures…

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    That would be this Liam Reid.

    And the term “criminal lawyer” is a tautology.

    And the term “Maori Party” *should* mean the cuzzies with their guitars and Lion Red on a Saturday night, not a significant player in the political landscape!

  2. KG says:

    What is it with these bimbo lawyers, falling in love with thugs, killers and rapists? A repressed desire to be dominated, perhaps, which maybe explains the attraction of islam for so many of them?

  3. kowtow says:

    Same with women wardresses in mens prisons, a damned stupid idea.Equality and all that.Women on warships,mixed dorms etc.

    Just looking for trouble.

  4. octagongrappler says:

    Yeah didnt Mark Stevens the “parnell panther” marry his Lawyer??

    Its incredible why women with good careers fall for crims and physcopaths :sad: ..

    In Regards to the Maori Party its true Gantt, Singing 10 guitars with a crate of Lion Red and dont forget that classic Ollie Olson song about the maori Vowels :lol:

  5. dondiego says:

    Just read the SST. Hang them both. Reid will like that.

  6. mara says:

    Jeez, you are all looking for a smack.!!! So …. a woman was an idiot? Men never are? :evil:

  7. mara says:

    Ciaron. History is littered with examples of both.

  8. Cadwallader says:

    The Law Schools pump out lots of young bimbos who think that a LLB gives them the omnipotence to change the world. This is another example. The pie-eyed innocence and stupidity of these “little girly lawyers” is pitiable. :wtf

    • octagongrappler says:

      My Cousin was at a Bar swearing and she said it looked like the report team from tvnz, all 25 year old blonde bimbos with blonde ambition… :mrgreen:

      Actually I can think Of an educated man making a mistake with a women…

      Peter Davis :mrgreen:

      • Ciaron says:

        depends on your definition of woman.

      • Sci Fi Guy says:

        Also depends on your definition of a man.

      • pompuss says:

        Ciaron says : “Show me where a comparably educated man has made an equally weapons-grade idiot of himself. :lol:”

        How about Slick Willy Clinton? :???:

        • Ciaron says:

          He got away with it… Kinda.

          Was it not a few short months ago that a female NZ citizen (leaving race out of it for the moment) got pinged traffiking drugs or money through some South American country at the request of her on-line lover?

          Forgive me, but I can’t recall an incident where a man has been played in such fashion.

          • KG says:

            Except for all of us at every election?

            • Ciaron says:

              No, thats where we bear the cosequences of others decisions, and therfore unattributable to our fluctuating levels of idiocy :lol:

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Yeah, kinda. Suffered the indignity of impeachment. Disbarred from practicing law for lying to congress.

            And yet he did kinda get away with it, since his friends in the liberal media ran some very effective interference for him!