Glaciers growing? Global warming. Glaciers shrinking? Global warming.

‘Photos taken by a French satellite show glaciers in a mountain range west of the Himalayas have grown during the last decade.
….The researchers are unsure why the region bucks the global trend – but they know from other studies in other parts of the world that in very cold regions, like the Karakoram range, climate change can cause extra precipitation, which then freezes and adds to ice mass.

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12 Responses to Glaciers growing? Global warming. Glaciers shrinking? Global warming.

  1. Darin says:

    It’s that dammed water again,it’s always freezing or melting or drying up or something anything but what the ecotards want it to do.The stuff should be banned :grin:

  2. kowtow says:

    A few things wrong with that article .

    It’s listed under science but distorts the truth. The last sentence of the report refers to the now discredited Himalaya shrinking glacier scandal. So we are reminded the Himalaya glaciers are in retreat (which is not entirely the truth either,some are some aren’t).But the point is we are meant to believe the Himalayas are melting.

    The Karakoram refered to in this story are part of the Himalayan mountain range. So if the glaciers there are growing, one can’t say the Himalayas are retreating!

    Also the story claims scientists don’t really know why. A quick google search shows a study in 2005 saying the same thing this story does. Growing glaciers in the Karakoram,and in that study they do advance reasons for why.2005 was by my calculation 7 years ago so this story is hardly news. It also predates the UN Himalaya lie which shows their “scientists” knew that some Himalaya glaciers were growing when they reported that they were disappearing.

    Trust the so called MSM or UN climate reports?

  3. Findalis says:

    This last winter was the coldest in recorded history for Russia and Alaska. Scientists now think that the snows of last winter will not melt in the northern latitudes this summer or next.

    It was not the cold winter that caused the last major ice age, but the cold summers. If this happens for 5 summers I suggest we burn a lot more fuel and heat this world up fast. For an ice age will be coming fast.

    • KG says:

      I believe it is, Findalis. And an ice age will kill a lot more people than a couple of degrees of warming.

  4. medusa says:

    I see tvnz is advertising that there will be an article on ‘starving’ polar bears and melting ice on Tv1 news tonight, no wonder we stopped watching tvnz at the same time we cancelled the newspaper delivery :roll

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yes, but how many people will watch that fairy take and believe it to be both “news” and truthful?

  5. Darin says:

    I guess there is no possible way this thing could have any effect on the weather?

    • KG says:

      None whatsoever. Nothing to see here–what maniac would believe that our sun could possibly influence weather or climate?
      Those things are only influenced by your drag-racing friends and Mrs. E. Smith of West Bend leaving her bathroom light on all night. :popcorn

  6. KG says:

    Four students from Kenollie Public School jumped into the frigid pond behind the Port Credit Yacht Club on Sunday to raise awareness about the plight of polar bears in the face of global warming.

  7. medusa says:

    That’s the problem GG, a hell of a lot of the population actually rely on what these buggers tell them, sadly, not everyone has cable or a computer to give them more informed information. :roll