Bolt on Breivik:

So it begins: “This is a man who should have been tried quietly, almost secretly” says Andrew Bolt. (Perhaps he’d have preferred him to have been led down the cellar steps of the Lubyanka and a bullet behind the ear instead?)
And then proceeds to flog himself into a frothing rage because Breivik is being tried openly, in a public court. Further, Breivik gave a “closed fist salute”, to Bolt’s horror.
But nowhere is there mention of the cultural genocide policies which led Breivik to commit his monstrous act. Nowhere, a mention of the complicity of the leftists, the multiculturalists and the traitors who are in the process of destroying European culture.The Norwegian and Swedish girls raped and disfigured by the scum those people are importing into Europe. Apparently Breivik is simply a homicidal monster who killed for no reason.
The larger crime goes unremarked.
UPDATE: David Round says it all for me. (thanks, Kowtow)

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111 Responses to Bolt on Breivik:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Really, really disappointing that Bolt has chosen to look at Breivik’s actions rather than his motivations. My comment, which I doubt will get past the moderators:

    “Just a couple of quick points:
    (1) that link to the “far right” salute points to a picture of the leader of the German National Socialist Workers’ Party. More far Left than far Right, wouldn’t you say?
    (2) while Breivik chose an extreme expression of his viewpoint, do we really expect there won’t be an ever-increasing number of such expressions as we let into our countries an ever-increasing number of people fundamentally incompatible with our way of life? Does anyone remember being asked by our governments whether we accept multi-culturalism as a policy setting rather than assimilation?”

    • Ronbo says:

      I think the poop done just hit the fan by allowing this guy to stand trial – He will turn it into a three ring circus…

      That in the long run will be of benefit to Freedom Fighters all over the world who wish to destroy socialism in ANY form.

      The Left wants a Stalinist Style Show Trial – They will get EXPOSURE they really don’t want.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    And while I’m on it, what the hell ever happened to the axiom that justice must be seen, to be done?

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    And from your blog roll, an evisceration of open borders and multi-culti khumbaya bullshit that pervades the political classes…

    • KG says:

      Let’s hope people read that before hitting the keyboard, eh?

      • octagongrappler says:

        Frank Salter gave Dr Drew Fraser a glowing revue on his new Book The Wasp question.

        fraser was forcrd out of Maquarrie for questioning 3rd world immigration.

  4. KG says:

    Bloody good comments, Gantt. Now wait for it all to hit the fan when anybody dares suggest Breivik may have had…you know…good reasons for doing what he did.
    Wait for the blather about the “democratic process” and so forth, even though that process has been degraded and corrupted to the point where it aids and abets cultural genocide.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Precisely. And we ought not to be ashamed to identify the groups most in that category. They are the Somali, Sudanese, Lebanese, Afghan, Iraqi, Iranian (etc. etc. etc.)

      The three things these groups all have in common are (1) they are all Moslems, (2) they all hate our western way of life and (few remaining) freedoms, and (3) they are happy to be parasites on the system they so despise, bleeding us dry financially until they arrive in sufficient force to bleed us dry literally.

  5. KG says:

    I have to go to bed (it’s been a busy evening) but the comments later should be interesting….. ;-)

  6. Scumsucker says:

    Never forget that those executed were the young cadres of the destruction of the West.

  7. Jay says:

    Norway is more interested in getting Breivik declared mentally ill even when numerous psychiatrists have said this is not the case. I think they’ll continue down this path, and continue to push the message that multiculturalism is an inherently good thing that we must all obey. How many future attacks will it take until they start discussing the underlying issue?

  8. Lucia Maria says:

    Sorry KG,

    I can’t agree with you. It doesn’t matter why he did it – he still bears moral responsibility for every life he took. This was a disgusting crime and Breivik is a homicidal monster. What is being displayed is pure evil rather than insanity, and that seems to be far more disturbing to people than anything else.

    • KG says:

      Well, Lucia Maria, we disagree fundamentally there. It does matter why he did it, otherwise you would also have to argue that every resistance fighter who killed Nazis ought to be tried for murder.
      I’m not interested in whether the State does or does not consider him insane. That’s a red herring. The USSR used psychiatry as a weapon for ideological purposes and I’d have thought that approach had been thoroughly discredited by now.
      You speak easily of “moral responsibility”….tell me, do you consider that European politicians and bureaucrats bear moral responsibility for every girl raped, maimed and disfigured by islamist thugs they’ve imported?
      Do you consider every voter who voted for parties which support multiculturalism responsible?
      And why the hell is killing young socialists more reprehensible than killing Hitler Jugend?

      • Cadwallader says:

        Mmmmh KG: Is there any disclosure to date as to why he did it?
        In criminal law the existence of a motive doesn’t go to the core of the crime. (If it were to do so, a defence argument could involve “the ends justifying the means.”)
        All criminal acts have two components, the act committed and the intention for doing it. The reason why the intent was formed (ie motive) is irrelevant. I have no idea why this Norwegian did what he did, but I am concerned that he did it.
        Does it really matter whether this is an exemplar of the decline of the west? (It patently isn’t as the criminal process founded in the west has commenced.) The punishment, no matter it is will not express the horror of this crime.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          In this case, Cad, I think you’ve got it arse-about. What he did is less important than why he did it.

          He will be punished for what he did, likely spending the rest of his life in prison.

          As to why he did it, well … Whether some in the west want to admit it or not, there has been a war on for years now. It’s just that only one side recognized it. Our political classes have allowed once-proud nations to be invaded by hordes of uncivilized, unwashed, unclean savages. Our political classes have told us their stone-age cultures have equal value to ours and ust be respected as such. The hordes of immigrants have brought nothing with them but pestilence and a visceral desire to eradicate the culture they have invaded. Did either the political classes or the invaders really believe there would never be any repercussions for their actions?

          • Cadwallader says:

            No, but my understanding is that this nut-job is not a recent arrivee of Norway; so the debate about hordes of immigrants seems irrelevant. He is a criminal, whether he satisfies a legal definition of insanity or not. His origins do not bear on the horror of his acts.

    • Scumsucker says:

      You are very naive.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Completely disagree, Lucia. Yes, he will be punished for his actions and will likely spend the remainder of his life in prison.

      In this case, though, his motivation is just as important (or perhaps even more so) than his actions. To not recognize this is to only look superficially at what happened, and to fall into he trap the authorities are so desperately laying.

      See my comment below, in response to Cadwaller.

    • WAKE UP says:

      Lucia, read my lips: WAR IS HELL. At some point (which is becoming increasingly clearly denoted), inaction and self-indulgent chardonnay soliloquising like yours actually become cowardly, treasonable and collaborative with the enemy. Life is not a movie.

  9. Scumsucker says:

    The dead were treasonous vermin.

  10. pompuss says:

    As I washed my whiskers this morning I was startled to hear that the Norwegian media, fearing that people will be appalled by the evidence at Breivik’s trial, plan to limit (aka censor) reports of it.

    One has to hope that Norwegians remember their Viking ancestry and object to being treated like vulnerable children.

  11. kowtow says:

    Came across a link to the excellent David Round via kiwiblog just now on this very subject. Absolutely spot on. If I remember correctly Round is a law lecturer at Canterbury U.

    • KG says:

      “..It was a dreadful thing, and completely indefensible; but it was also inevitable, a natural consequence of the misguided, intolerant policies of a haughty elite contemptuous of the views of ordinary citizens; and it was predicted, by people rather more perceptive than those elites. But the elites, confident of their own superiority, were not listening, and I do not know how many of them are listening even now…”

  12. KG says:

    “Does it really matter whether this is an exemplar of the decline of the west? (It patently isn’t as the criminal process founded in the west has commenced.)”
    With respect, Cad, that’s codswallop. England is clear example of the West in decline, yet the “criminal process” operates there, admittedly more against the natives than the imports. (In other words, it’s hopelessly corrupt and politicised).
    If anything, the criminal process as it currently operates is one of the best examples of the West in decline.
    And I note you don’t address the question of culpability as far as the policies which produced his reaction are concerned. Or responsibility for the rapes and murders committed by the savages he objects to being imported. These are not unrelated issues.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Sorry Cad, but I can’t resist … Cadswallop

    • Cadwallader says:

      Do we know which “policies” produced his “reaction?” I don’t for one.

      • KG says:

        Yes, we do know. Anybody who doesn’t know has been asleep these past ten years or more.

        • Cadwallader says:

          The crime occurred last year, August I think, what is this about “these past ten years?” Does Brevik have earlier form?

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Whether intentionally or not, you’re seeing Breivik’s actions as an isolated criminal activity. They are not. They are the actions of a desperate man responding in the only way he feels he can to a deliberate, calculated attack on his culture. Society and nation. Yes, his actions were criminal and he will be punished. But they were not isolated. They did not occur in a vacuum. They were a direct response to policies of multi-culturalism which are fundamentally transforming ™ western societies. In that context, it is all-but guaranteed others will respond in the same way as did Breivik.

          • KG says:

            Sigh…are you being deliberately obtuse, Cad? Breivik had been observing the effects of multiculti policies all that time, and the refusal of the ruling elite to allow an alternative political voice. There was nothing new in that. Who suggested there was? The things which provoked Breivik were common knowledge and had been for a long time.
            Are you saying you didn’t know about those things?

            • Cadwallader says:

              No, not at all. My concern is that by stating he responded to “policies” and acts/omissions of others you are unintentionally mitigating the size and hideousness of his offending. No matter what the background may be, the murders were committed by Brevik deliberately, therefore he is a criminal and any reason for his criminality is of passing interest only. If you believe that he acted as a response to an inchoate motive you may as well excuse criminals who steal due to their own perceived needs.

          • WAKE UP says:

            Cad, In years to come, Brievik’s action will be seen in the same light as the assassination that started World War I ; that is, it will be taught as a single incident that sparked the war, without mentioning the pervasive politics and polity that led to its inevitability.

  13. KG says:

    David Round again:
    ‘..So in Norway, then, a quarter of the population is more or less permanently denied any participation in government and legislation, because their objections to what is happening to their own society are considered by the other political parties and their supporters to be out of the question and beyond even the slightest consideration. In the name of tolerance of other points of view, of course.
    …The country of the conservative Norwegians is being changed for ever before their eyes, and they are told that it is none of their business. Although we would never defend murder, we may sense something of Breivik’s frustrations. What, in this situation, could he or anyone do?..’

  14. KG says:

    “Mmmmh KG: Is there any disclosure to date as to why he did it?”
    Are you serious, Cad? The reasons why he did it have been available for a long time now, despite the best efforts of the media and politicians to suppress and minimise those reasons. And I have a file containing his manifesto I can send you, if you somehow managed to miss his stated motives.

  15. KG says:

    Gantt said: “Does anyone remember being asked by our governments whether we accept multi-culturalism as a policy setting rather than assimilation?”
    And that, surely (as David round points out) is the nub of the matter.
    Are we, the peasants, supposed to meekly accept whatever our masters decide is good for them and their cronies, to have no say in the dismantling of our culture? The housing of primitive, hostile savages among us, at our expense? (But not among the elite who decide these things, of course)…

  16. KG says:

    For me, the core question is whether a people are entitled to kill in defence of their culture and their children if no other avenues of redress are open to them.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I actually think its easier than that. Entitled or not, more Brieviks are inevitable as people increasingly feel they have no other avenues of redress open to them.

  17. mawm says:

    I’m a Mercedes owner and people like me drive Mercs. Without my consent the government has allowed a lot of BMW’s into the country. This is really beginning to annoy me. They don’t drive like I do. Instead of driving along sedately in the right hand land, they are whizzing around all the other cars, changing lanes, giving me the finger, etc, etc. :rant

    BMW has now opened up a drivers training school! :wtf

    So if I went along to that school and murdered all the kids who are being indoctrinated taught there, would you consider me insane or is it within my rights to protect my fellow Merc drivers from the BMW’s? :gunner

    Hmmmm…..difficult one. :popcorn

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      mawm that’s a ridiculous comparison, and I cant tell if you’re being trite deliberately. First, there is very little chance of eith a BMW or a Merc driver raping your sister or cutting off your head. It’s just not polite.

      Secondly, while Breivik’s actions were extreme, in the Islam vs The West war, one side is the “good guys” and the other are murderous arseholes. In the BMW vs Merc debate, both sides are kraut-loving wankers.

      • Ciaron says:

        Shall we substitute Honda’s for BMW’s then?

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Really? We’re going to compare driving different types of motor vehicles with a 7th century death cult intent on killing or enslaving the entire western world?

          • Darin says:

            Okay,different then.

            Your in your bedroom,you hear a noise in the kitchen,you go see what’s going on and find a Muslim in there digging through your refrigerator.You tell him to stop that and your neighbor walks in and says no,go ahead to him and tells you to never mind and go back to bed.

            You go back to your bedroom and in your bed are two Muslims,you tell them to leave and your neighbor walks in and tells you to never mind and go into the living room.

            You go to your living room and ten Muslims are in there praying and they tell you not to come in unless you convert.Your neighbor says never mind that go out and sleep on the lawn.You open your front door and walk face first into a Mosque.

            Who do you shoot first?The Muslims are taking advantage of what they have been allowed to by your neighbor,it was your neighbor who let them in,he’s first,they are second.

            • The Gantt Guy says:


            • mawm says:

              Darin – that would certainly piss me off, but I’m not going to go down to the CoE (the socialist branch of the Church) Sunday school and shoot all the children who are being taught the wonders of multiculturism, because of it. :cheers

              • KG says:

                “but I’m not going to go down to the CoE (the socialist branch of the Church) Sunday school and shoot all the children who are being taught the wonders of multiculturism, because of it.”
                These young people weren’t merely being “taught the wonders” of multiculturalism–they were being groomed as future political and bureaucratic leaders of the a left.
                A better comparison would be between them and Hitler Jugend.

              • Darin says:

                Probably a bad PR moment Mawn,a better bet would have been the Multi-cult parents in parliament.
                On the otherhand if it hadn’t happened,ask yourself this,would those same children have grown up to have their throats slit by their Muslim neighbors once critical mass was achieved?
                We are looking down to the end of a dead end road on this and the end is no less bloody either way I am afraid.

              • WAKE UP says:

                For heaven’s sake, MAWM, what makes you think this is merely a fun intellectual exercise? You are really PISSING ME OFF.

          • Ciaron says:

            Point taken. just looking for a little humour in the day :roll:

            • Darin says:

              It’s an old question asked in military strategy class.
              Which is more important,the soldier with the rifle,or the supply line bringing him the bullets?

              Russia gave Napoleon the answer.

              • mawm says:

                Well we might as well start killing all the babies in the local hospital’s nursery then…..after all the left has been killing them just after conception for years. We’re obviously getting left behind at discarding morals. :roll:

                • Darin says:

                  Morals have no bearing in the argument when your enemy has none.

                  We,WEMS are the targets of forced extinction by the left.Do we wait until there are only two of us left before we fight back?
                  Just asking.

                • Ciaron says:

                  I see your point. but what do we become, once we have discarded our morals? I don’t pretend to have an answer here, All I know is that I don’t want to sit on the fence, but I don’t want to become like them either.

                • KG says:

                  We do a Hiroshima–discard morals in order to do what’s necessary, then resume normal life.

                • Darin says:

                  Who’s discarding morals?

                  Is it immoral to defend our culture from invaders and those that are allied with them against us?

      • mawm says:

        GG, maybe the BMW drivers are date rapists, who knows, but I’m still going to kill the kids in the BMW drivers (without an apostrophe) training school because they think BMW’s are cool.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Well, maybe your action would be justifiable if the kids at the BMW school were being taught to fill the back seat with fertilizer explosive and drive it at the biggest group of Merc drivers they could find, and that there would be a 7-Series goat waiting for them on the other is of the heavenly portal?

          • mawm says:

            Ahhh! So do we have evidence that these kids were being taught to murder other Merc drivers? :shock:

            • KG says:

              We have evidence that they were being groomed as future leaders of the left parties which are enabling rape and murder of Norwegians and the dismantling of the native culture.
              Is that plain enough?

        • WAKE UP says:

          I repeat: For heaven’s sake, MAWM, what makes you think this is merely a fun intellectual exercise? You are really PISSING ME OFF.

  18. KG says:

    Usually I don’t mind a thread being dragged off-topic, but this has become fucking absurd and it’s preventing serious debate about a real and important moral issue.
    How about we stick to the subject?

    • mawm says:

      Yes, moral issues like killing kids who have a different opinion to you about muzzies/Israel. I call it freedom of thought/conscience. I might not like what they think, but they have the right to do so.

      And if you think that it is OK to kill kids who are indoctrinated to bow to Islam, where do you stop?

      • KG says:

        It’s not merely a matter of a “different opinion” Mawm and you know it.
        I don’t think it’s “ok” to kill them at all–it was a monstrous act. But when no other avenues are open to dissuade a ruling elite from a course it’s hell-bent on, such acts are inevitable.
        (and the kids weren’t killed because they were indoctrinated to bow to islam)

        • mawm says:

          But when no other avenues are open to dissuade a ruling elite from a course it’s hell-bent on, such acts are inevitable. …only by someone who is nuts.

          That’s enough, we’ll always disagree about it. :cheers :cheers :cheers

          • KG says:

            We certainly will. And I’ll leave the last words you’ve added to my comment, even though I disagree about those too. :roll:

  19. KG says:

    While we’re busy being moral, the enemy is busy using that morality to defeat us.
    Morals are not an absolute–survival is.

    • Darin says:

      Absolutely! All we are doing is kicking the can down the road until the inevitable open war happens.At that point the dead will number in the millions if not billions and life will be changed again forever.

    • WAKE UP says:

      Damn right. Survive first, sort it later.

  20. Ciaron says:

    To continue the discussion:
    Who’s discarding morals?

    Is it immoral to defend our culture from invaders and those that are allied with them against us?

    When it is in cold blood, and of essentially non-combatants I think it is. And this is not like Hiroshima, where a formal state of war was in place.

    Having another read of the post, I agree with KG’s assessment of the situation with respect to the treatment certain offendig gets (i.e., none), and again agree with Gantt when he points out the inevitability of this reaction, I just don’t think it is right to cast Breivik in the hero’s light, which is how I read some of the comments here*

    Again, I don’t have any answers, but shooting up kids camps doesn’t seem like a winning strategy to me. I could sympathise a bit if he had gone a bit more Guy Fawlks and rid the world of a few oxygen heaters.**

    *Advance apologies for misunderstandings on my part.
    ** = Politicians & Bureacrats

    • Darin says:

      “When it is in cold blood, and of essentially non-combatants I think it is. And this is not like Hiroshima, where a formal state of war was in place.”

      For clarity I’m not making Brevik out to be a hero at all,poor choice of targets.However a formal state of war isn’t in place only because they have declared it by action and we,most of us,haven’t realised it yet.

    • Cadwallader says:

      I agree. To portray any understanding for Brevik is legally wrong and morally repugnant. The fact he may justifiably detest muslims is not relevant t0 his criminality. Ameliorating any criminality is itself a crime. This prick is a criminal and deserves the maximum permissible punishment. To argue otherwise is evil!

      • Cadwallader says:

        PS Timothy McVeagh was motivated by an alleged hatred of big government to blow up a government building. So, coward that he was, he chose an undefended building in the mid-West which housed (inter-alia) a creche. (Big man just like Brevik firing off at innocents!) Motive is irrelevant!

        • Darin says:

          His action was in response to the actions of the “big men”who at the time were engaged in jack-boot tactics directed against civilians such as Waco and Rubyridge.

          The building he attacked housed the ATF and the FBI the two groups responsible for both Waco and Rubyridge.In his mind it was a legitimate target and even more than Brevik it was also inevitable.

          • KG says:

            I wonder how many people know the story about Ruby Ridge, Darin? It was apparently ok for government agents to shoot an unarmed woman holding a baby……there’s a lot of selective outrage around, isn’t there?

            • Darin says:

              My guess not many even in the US.Apparently it’s was okay for the feds to violate Posse Comitatas by driving a Bradley tank through a building of women and children at Waco as well.

      • KG says:

        “The fact he may justifiably detest muslims is not relevant t0 his criminality.”
        Rather misses the point. Yes, he detests muslims, but that alone wouldn’t have prompted him to do what he did.
        What he hates is the destruction of his culture by his country’s elite and their utter refusal to allow contrary views a voice.
        Not quite the same thing, is it?

      • KG says:

        “To portray any understanding for Brevik is legally wrong..”
        Nonsense. I’ve no idea where you got that idea from, Cad, but understanding is not, cannot be and never has been “legally wrong”.
        “To argue otherwise is evil!”
        Says who? To argue otherwise is not in itself evil, merely a contrary view.

        • Cadwallader says:

          The point of a criminal code is to recognise the existence of evil actions on the part of criminals. The motives of each and every criminal are not a part of the process. The acts of the criminal and the intentions to perpetrate the acts are the relevant components. If motive is introduced to the criminal code it imports an expectation of understanding the criminal.

          • I don’t know what jurisdiction you live in Cadwallader but if your legal system is derived from English Common Law then you are absolutely wrong.

            For offences greater than Summary Offences (in NZ maximum punishment of 3 months imprisonment) the state must prove not only Actus Reus (the guilty action) but Mens Rea (guilty mind). For Summary Offences only Actus Reus must be proved.

            So guilty mind and guilty action must be proved. Motivation, intention, a knowledge that an action was “wrong/evil” are all crucially relevant, as well as proving the deftendant committed the act itself.

          • WAKE UP says:

            You tie yourself oin knoits as much as you like, Cad, the bottom line is BRIEVIK WAS INEVITABLE, and there will be more. The only question worth addressing is WHY? And we know the answer, it’s been out there for years.

  21. KG says:

    “I just don’t think it is right to cast Breivik in the hero’s light”
    Neither do I, Ciaron. But neither is he simply a mindless murderer.

    • Ciaron says:

      I concur.

      I really hate to sound like Pete George here, but I’m not trying to be a pain in the arse ;-)

      • KG says:

        Don’t worry, you never sound like Pete George. :lol:

        • Ciaron says:

          The shame of the matter (from a purely conservative viewpoint) is that the “lone nutter” is an easy target to deal with. Now If Breivik was part of a larger, cohesive group acting in concert together across the country,it would be much harder for the left(+ associates) to ignore the motivators…

          • KG says:

            I don’t think, though, that such a group would ever consist of many members. A couple of dozen would be enough. The Red Brigade caused chaos in Europe, yet they were very few in number.

    • Cadwallader says:

      Correct KG. He isn’t a mindless murderer. He is a slimy cowardly p.o.s. He knew his adversaries were unarmed and utterly beyond imagining his onslaught. Talk about kicking kittens.

      • KG says:

        I have a feeling that ten or twenty years down the track, when the fruits of what’s being done to Western countries have ripened, he may well be judged differently.

  22. KG says:

    “However a formal state of war isn’t in place only because they have declared it by action and we,most of us,haven’t realised it yet.”
    Just so.
    “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers….” (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey since 2003.)

  23. KG says:

    And I’d suggest some naive and “moral” people go read “The Camp of The Saints”

  24. kowtow says:

    And remember the Algerian Presidents threat/promise to conquer Europe with their wombs. It’s quoted here in a Wilders speech.

    • octagongrappler says:

      Kowtow that was brilliant, Its interesting that euro leaders are saying multicultralsim is destroying Euro cultures.

      Our Leaders in NZ/AUS actually openly support multicultralism :gunner

  25. Paul Marsden says:

    I think France is starting to see the light. Banning burqas(?) is a step in the right direction albeit, too late. Islam is firmly entrenched in European society and nothing will ever change that. It will only manifest itself.

  26. oswald bastable says:

    To bring a bit of perspective in, when governments set their forces upon a country, FAR worse things happen.

    When a city is bombed and thousands of civilians die, ‘it’s just a sad fact of war’- usually followed by ‘you started it’…

    One amateur gets a double-digit body count and the world is shocked. Each day governments kill hundreds routinely and it hardly makes the news.

    Better to direct the moral outrage there.

    • KG says:

      Exactly. How many people have been killed by drones on Obama’s orders, without benefit of a trial and no proof that they were enemy combatants? Seems to me there’s a double (or triple) standard operating here.

  27. Paul Marsden says:

    — One of the judges in Anders Behring Breivik’s murder, terror trial in Norway disqualified for comments on Facebook.

  28. Benares says:

    If someone killed the rich young socialist elitist Vidkun Quisling in 1929 in Norway as he started as a “Norsk Aktion Progressiva” politician betraying Norway to Germany and Russia, would they have called him an evil murderer and hung him?

    If someone killed Vidkun Quisling in 1939 in Norway when he was the “Forer” of the Nasjonal Samling (NASI) party after he returned from betraying Norway to Hitler and Stalin, would they have called him a great hero and given him a medal?

    For the record: at the end of 1945 Quisling was executed by firing squad in Oslo (along with 278 others of the Norway regime) by order of the newly formed Free Norwegian Supreme Court after a one week trial. The new Chief Justice was Gunnar Sonsteby, the hero of the Norwegian resistance, the only person to ever receive the War Cross with three Swords, all members of the firing squad were selected as an honour and privelege and received personal citations from the King. Over the next decade more than 25,000 Norwegian officials, politicians, judges, priests, academics, etc were prosecuted and removed from any public life in the great “Purge of Traitors”. In the aftermath of the violent internal conflicts coming in the next few decades will we see another purge?

    • KG says:

      Thanks for that background, Benares.
      I think the next few decades will bring slavery and misery for millions in the West and the fightback (there is always, eventually, a fightback) will be bloody beyond imagining.
      It’s a fascinating subject, where we all have an equal chance to be utterly wrong in our predictions :smile: but when the fightback against one-world government or whatever form the slavery takes comes, it will be spearheaded by a very few. (the rest will be in their usual bread-and-circuses coma).

  29. pompuss says:

    Fascinating comment stream. Talk about the Law of the Jungle.
    At the risk of KG banning me for being off topic I think it’s time you all thought about the really important things.

    Mawm (April 17th, 12.05pm) says “GG, maybe the BMW drivers are date rapists, who knows, but I’m still going to kill the kids in the BMW drivers (without an apostrophe) training school because they think BMW’s are cool.”

    What do they think is cool Mawm?
    BMW’s exhaust pipes? BMW’s steeering wheels? electric windows? leather seats? capacious luggage space? I could go on……

    • KG says:

      It’s that twee little BMW badge, Pompuss.

    • mawm says:

      Continuing with my analogy……BMW’s are cool because the media tell them it is so…..and that Merc drivers are selfish pricks responsible for all the world’s evil. And with that my analogy ends! :cheers

  30. WAKE UP says:

    In years to come, Brievik’s action will be seen in the same light as the assassination that started World War I ; that is, it will be taught as a single incident that sparked the war, without mentioning the pervasive politics and polity that led to its inevitability.

  31. WAKE UP says:

    Lucia Maria said: It doesn’t matter why he did it – he still bears moral responsibility for every life he took. This was a disgusting crime and Breivik is a homicidal monster. What is being displayed is pure evil rather than insanity, and that seems to be far more disturbing to people than anything else.

    I say: Lucia, read my lips: WAR IS HELL. At some point (which is becoming increasingly clearly denoted), inaction and self-indulgent chardonnay soliloquising like yours actually becomes cowardly, treasonable and collaborative with the enemy. Life is not a movie.

  32. WAKE UP says:

    You can tie yourself in knoits as much as you like, the bottom line is BRIEVIK WAS INEVITABLE, and there will be more. The only question worth addressing is WHY? And we know the answer, it’s been out there for years.

  33. mara says:

    Lucia Maria. You don’t like it, and it is sad, but the outcome of Brevik’s action (the deaths) is less important than the “reason.” It’s the reason for his awful deed that needs to be examined with as much dispassion as possible, despite or whatever the ruling elite might wish to allow. The volcano is rumbling. We cannot just wish it to stop. Wake Up is right.

  34. For more on Bolt and Breivik see here:

  35. KG says:

    Fuck off, Lataan. I can smell a lefty arsehole at fifty paces and you qualify. Since you’re apparently incapable of reading and comprehending the message at the top of the sidebar, the link you provided has been removed and you are not welcome here.