‘Iwi loses most of Treaty payout
One of Taranaki’s largest private investment projects has gone horribly wrong, losing close to $20 million in a series of high-risk financial ventures.
The loss means Taranaki’s most northern iwi, Ngati Tama, has shed all of a $14.5m Treaty of Waitangi payout it received in 2003…’
No worries–it was only taxpayer money in the first place, and since there’s apparently no such thing as a “full and final settlement”, they’ll be back for more.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Yes they will claim they were ripped off by the white man in there investments .
Still iwi will activate there line of credit and Key will deliver the chips…
Fools and their money…
But bigger fools will just get tapped for more…
Almost counting the days… came across this http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=d9f51dd317ac24a90c904906c&id=f3f3aae854 and after comments from webwrats link yesterday- methinks its likely sooner than later.
[Illegal aliens is almost as bad to pay for, but there aren’t enough of them to spread lies about my Granddad -yet]
why aren’t we surprised…
I’m still pissed with that
and don’t forget that Morgan character….those pricey fancy undies
No investment is 100% safe. There is risk involved. You can lose all of your money when you invest. A thing to remember when you invest.
Tell them no more and watch the fireworks. :popcorn
Sounds like lottery winners,most are broke just a few years after winning millions.Money is a great thing,so long as you can manage it.