‘The incidence of rape is still rising in Oslo. There has been more than a two-thirds increase during the first quarter of this year compared with the same period last year. During the previous five years, in all stranger-rapes in Oslo in which the assailant could be identified, the perpetrator was a Muslim immigrant…’
Tell us again about the benefits these people bring to the West.
The enablers of this filth – traitorous politicians and bureaucrats – are equally guilty.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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And where is Oslo? And where is there a show-trial underway at the moment? :censor
Nah no link. Nothing to see here, move along.
The question becomes: If the “democratic process” no longer works (and simply cannot work as intended once this filth becomes the majority) what measures are available to reasonable men to restore civilised norms?
And of those available, should any be ruled out for moral reasons?
Those Scandanavians.
Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
Mind you it really does look like a “mutilation”down at the business end.
:whoop :whoop Nice find, Kowtow.
Now thats just disturbing. :roll
Do not hit the video link on the page
From your link:
“Multiculturalism is no boon to education, but an agent of anti-Western ideology.”
Ain’t that the truth!
I have no sympathy for Norwegian women. They are taught from birth that all cultures are equal, just some are more equal than others.
I know that very few of these rapists are native boys. In fact the majority are done by the Muslim immigrants that the Norwegians have imported into their nation. So either Norwegian women cover themselves from head to toe in black or become the whores that they were born to be.
Heh! That is just so disturbing. :wtf You are blaming them for being indoctrinated from birth and that they were born to be whores!!!
It would be better if we were to help our fellow Caucasians and prevent their indoctrination by the socialist politicians or the rapes by imported filth.
Should we help JR KUARIKI Then???
Grappie – If we didn’t have this leftist outlook in NZ where the Maori and the gangs are untouchable, then maybe we wouldn’t have the Bailey Junior Kaurariki’s. However he is evil and beyond redemption.
But that is beside the point. We should be saving our youth from the left, not condemning them for what they might or might not become in the future. The problem is in the present. :roll
And how do you propose to save them from the left, Mawm, when the left own the media and education?
That is exactly what has to be changed, along with the politicians and their enablers. What is the point of fighting the left and Islam if you are not fighting for your kids and grandkids (as well as others that look like you, ie your own kind)? Personally I can just keep on moving away from the invading hoards because in my lifetime I will still be able to live free somewhere.
How is it to be done? Well, we have started because the still uncensored internet has allowed us to expose the lies of the left, but you cannot do it by abandoning the vulnerable.
I think they are beyond help many of them, I just wont associate with anyone left anymore.
I leave the room or just stop taking to them listening to there utter crap.
I dont see them ever seeing the misguided error of there ways..
Since the government refuses to stop importing rapists, they must condition their women to accept rape and a Multi-cultural asset.
Target the government not the girls who, through no fault of their own, are being conditioned to accept it. I’m sure Kris K will be along to quote the bible about the sins of the fathers.
“Target the government..”
Oh? How exactly?
Like Timothy McVeigh did?
To put it in military terms – take out the patrol leader, the radio operator and the medic first.
In civilian terms, vote out the government (which of course means you have to have intelligent, coherent, principled, conservative politicians to replace it with – see link below), neutralise the media by having effective rightwing media, and make it very uncomfortable for those who provide the financial backing through exposure and boycotts, etc.
One can always target the infiltrators and make life less comfortable in the West than in their hell holes.
Shooting teenagers on an island or abandoning young girls to the indoctrinators will not change anything.
Listen to the video at http://angrywhitedude.com/2012/04/allen-west-calls-it-like-he-sees-it/
These Left wing women wont listen to change or to the alternate conservative views in the media and especially online.
Labour/National are all socialists and marxists and so is the media and the education system.
How can you change it with a ballot when the agencies of the state are not effected by changes of Government. Key is in power and look what happens??
Same feminazis in the education ministry, Joris De Bres and a nice directorship for Cullen.
We are idiots in the country NZ.
I mean remember Gregory Fourtain? The race relations commissioner the labour appointed, he is also on the board of NZ Post and KiwiBank and cheered for South Africa at the world cup. Why did he get these jobs considering he has only been in NZ for less than 20 years??What is his experience to validate these roles?? Oh he is brown and wears a flowery shirt..
This is the reality we are faced with and we are screwed!!!
Well Grappie – that must be fist thing the Fortuin has done right.
This argument has moved on from girls who been born into indoctrination and on to adult women with formed opinions. That’s different.
It compliments the issues :cheers
“In civilian terms, vote out the government (which of course means you have to have intelligent, coherent, principled, conservative politicians to replace it with – see link below),”
there are none, or at least so few, and not supported by the Party machine, that they are powerless.
“neutralise the media by having effective rightwing media,”
How? The current media moguls are not the slightest bit interested in setting it up, and the entry costs are prohibitive. It hasn’t happened yet for perfectly good reasons. Talk radio is a partial exception, but it has nothing like the market penetration television and print media have
“and make it very uncomfortable for those who provide the financial backing through exposure and boycotts, etc”.
just like exposing Soros has been so effective? And organising those boycotts, exposing the usual suspects is–even here in Australia–perfectly capable of being prosecuted as “hate speech”.
In truth, the general public has become so uninformed, so apathetic that no amount of counter-propaganda is going to work in the short to medium term. And long-term solutions simply aren’t available, since the barbarians will have won long before then.
My impression is that there is a move to the right and that the left are under pressure. Unfortunately the GOP candidate-to-be (and maybe the whole Party) is just not who/what we need at this time.
So what is your solution?
My solution is too..aaah…kinetic and too damn ruthless for anybody here to accept, Mawm.
NOT me!
That didn’t cross my mind for a nanosecond, Os!
Just sent you an email
hmm..there’s a wee problem there. Mailed you, Os.
Correct KG
The info is out there but people are just clueless!! They really are, you may as well be screaming at a piece of wood. The result the same noboby listens..
“Shooting teenagers on an island ……….will not change anything”
If enough leftists and their young apprentices are targeted, often enough, it will have a far better chance of changing things than anything else has.
The ballot box has become a weapon of the left and the the democratic process is a sham and a fraud which suits them very well.
So is your weapon is now a high velocity rifle and shooting your own youth! Get real.
I didn’t put it quite like that and in fact my solution would be different in several ways. There are plenty of ways to target them short of killing.
My reply was before I saw your kinetic comment.
I also have a feeling that maybe I am “real” and that those who think this can be solved by peaceful democratic means are the ones who need to get real.
Maybe, but target those responsible. If Breivik had slotted the government and the shrill lefty females, the Imams, etc, he’d have had much more support from the right. :gunner
Possibly. But a lot of what passes for the “Right” is as corrupt and gutless as the opposition and far less organized. Their support, even if forthcoming, would be next to worthless.
The best template I can think of is the tactics used during the Irish/American elections in places like New York in the thirties.
Play dirty. Play violent.
Or Chicago as recently as, well, today.
Rahm Emmanuel, David Axelrod, Erich Von Holder and their brownshirts in the NBPP learned their tactics from those 1930s.
They sure did. And it works.
Mawm, he did “slot” the government by killing their offspring. Forget the shrill lefty feminists: they are insignificant at this level. Killing Imams would have resulted in mass beheadings. The right already supports his motives if not his actions but it/ they are not yet sufficiently provoked or brave enough to riot. Next move?
It’s nice to hear the term “slot” again….happy days.
KG, did your mum let you play with the woolly mammoths when you were a kid? Nah, mine didn’t either. :whoop
Woolly mammoths???????????? :wtf The term’s not that old, Mara.
And provided I was out of her sight, she didn’t care what I played with. Preferably black snakes, I suspect.
We’ll take that as a yes KG ….snick, snick .. moving along …..end.
“Shooting teenagers on an island ……….will not change anything”
Yes it will, when it happens often enough (at which point, you have War). In years to come, Brievik’s action will be seen in the same light as the assassination that “started” World War I ; that is, it will be taught as a single incident that sparked the war, without mentioning the pervasive politics and polity that led to its inevitability.
I’m increasingly coming to the conclusion that the ONLY solution [short of divine intervention] is violent revolution – against first the traitors in our midst, and second the immigrant death cultists sought on our total subjugation and/or destruction.
We’ve tried talking, we’ve tried reasoning … they [our treasonous elite and their unthinkingly dense useful idiots] will neither listen nor enter into resoned debate.
They, rather than us, have set the terms for the coming revolution. Brievik, rightly or wrongly, will be the first of many who simply see no other alternative options to save the once great West.
[PS Mawm, I could quote MANY Bible verses, but I fear that too would be a waste of time as far as the enemy (and the blind fools(?) who live in la la land) is concerned. Of course when Christ comes back for “round two” it won’t be as no innocent lamb being led to the slaughter, but rather as the triumphant Lion of Judah where the blood of His enemies will run to the height of a horses bridle in the valley of Megiddo – which no doubt will include more than a few socialist teenagers.] :popcorn