Lost my driver’s licence, Medicare card and credit card. To get a replacement licence, I need my driver’s licence, Medicare card and credit card….I just love bureaucracy. The new so-called (expensive) “smart card” licence requires one to respond to two secret questions with the correct answer when requested. So why isn’t that enough to get a replacement licence? Bastards. We’re being made to jump through hoops by shiny-arsed leech chair polishers in order to grind our faces on the subservient status we have. We’ll never have true freedom until we learn to put bureaucrats back in their rightful place as our servants, not our masters.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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- Michael in Nelson on California: The Continuing Tragedy
- Michael in Nelson on California: The Continuing Tragedy
- Darin on California: The Continuing Tragedy
- Darin on California: The Continuing Tragedy
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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It would seem that we aren’t hassled by bureaucrats so much as we are under siege by idiots :rant
What you need is beer. A lot of beer. A couple of kegs of beer. Now start drinking!
:cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers
Talking of “helpful bureaucrats” reminds me of Latin lessons,a long time ago. The word minister comes from the Latin,servant. Our ministers be they prime or whatever would do well to remember that.
Shows how times change though,government was once for the people ,they were our servants or servants of the crown (same thing) Now they serve a chosen ideology,environment,internationalism,self interest ,whatever. But they are no longer servants.
You are so right there KG. Keep pushing, though remember these leeches are aware of their power and apply the ” attitude” test. Fail that at any stage of the begging process, and the bastards can kick you back to touch, by such simple measures as being on conferences, taking sick, maternity, annual or compassionate leave because the budgie died, losing your file, finding irregularities , more irregularities and leaving the org. with no records found. I know you aren’t one, but those sad saps with “victim” tattooed of their foreheads do worst. Helpful hint.. next time keep valuable docs. in your bra as I do.
Note to self….buy bra.
The Swiss get it right-
They do indeed Darin
In NZ we have a Sociologist named Paul Spoonley who says Switzerland is a model we can follow in NZ for Migrant intergration
Good on the Swiss for fighting Back :gunner
KG, I meant jock strap. Err, no, hang on while I think this through.
Sad, but I think Andrew Bolt has jumped the shark
Suggesting video games breed people with a Breivik mindset? Sad when those formerly so staunch fr the cause crack up. Personally, I blame the new pay wall policy.
Man, I hate that policy. Even more do I loathe links which point to paywall-protected sites. :rant
The comments under Bolt’s post are interesting. That’s the first time I’ve seen his regular commenters take his argument apart. And rightly so, imho.
This is open House so I will put it here even though off topic
This guy is quoted as much as the spoon in the media these days. He is the head of the AsiaNz Foundation and guess what??
He has his degree and Phd from Massey In????
Sociology!!!! :gunner
His name is Dr Andrew Butcher a committed Multicultralist
:rant sociologists…..the vanguard of the PC braindead.
On the Asia NZ Website they had 5 young kiwis who got to go live in Asia to bridge the Gap so to speak..On paid trips from the foundation for young kiwis to go and understand Asia..
And guess what all 5 were recent migrants to NZ, Hardly something inclusive that kiwis benefit from if its all one way gggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrr :rant
Sociology textbooks make great wheel chocks :popcorn
And emergency toilet paper.
It’s all propaganda, innit?
Very sad news that Levon Helm, singer, drummer and all-around genius, has passed away at age 71.
They drove ol’ Dixie down…
Damn shame. He was brilliant in “The Last Waltz”, too.
great article…
Sure is! Personally, I’d prefer to see the bastard tarred and feathered and put to work on a road gang….
this is the full version from dr clydsdale this is outstanding about joris debres :gunner