‘Sweden’s secret recipe’

No, it’s not welfare–it’s to cut effing government!
‘Since becoming Sweden’s finance minister, his mission has been to pare back government.
..Three years on, it’s pretty clear who was right. ‘Look at Spain, Portugal or the UK, whose governments were arguing for large temporary stimulus,’ he says. ‘Well, we can see that very little of the stimulus went to the economy. But they are stuck with the debt.’ Tax-cutting Sweden, by contrast, had the fastest growth in Europe last year, when it also celebrated the abolition of its deficit…’

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5 Responses to ‘Sweden’s secret recipe’

  1. The Swedes also let Saab (Automobile section I think it was) go under, no bailouts like the “Capitalist” USA had for GM, Ford, et al…

  2. Darin says:

    I read awhile back that it requires the efforts of six productive workers to pay the salary of one government worker.
    So by my reasoning laying off one leech lightens the load on six people.Sounds like a novel idea,maybe we should start with our GSA?
