‘Britain’s Got Cultural Stockholm Syndrome’

Good stuff by Nigel Wingrove!
‘For some time I’ve wondered how the UK’s tolerant, inclusivity loving, diversity embracing, multiculturally aware, sexually outreaching and intolerant of intolerance establishment would deal with the inextricable march of Islamic fundamentalism and all that comes with it?…’
Go take a look–he’s a nice bloke and a fine blogger.

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2 Responses to ‘Britain’s Got Cultural Stockholm Syndrome’

  1. WAKE UP says:

    Check this out – in lovely LUTON, of all places.

  2. sbk says:

    “genital augmentation”..geez you just got to love lefty speak.Begs the question why “Almighty”?…” not-so-almighty” would suit better,especially when you believe you have to improve on the original design…..speaking of which,can i order one with racing stripes. ;-)