Food for thought…

‘A leading earthquake scientist has warned that the planet could be cracking up after a series of massive quakes in just 48 hours. Expert Gheorghe Marmureanu – from Romania’s National Institute of Earth Physics – says 39 quakes had hit the globe within two days. “There is no doubt that something is seriously wrong. There have been too many strong earthquakes,” said Marmureanu.      (   Thanks to Remus for the item.
Real-time ‘quake map (and much more) HERE

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18 Responses to Food for thought…

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Oh quick, let’s tax the wealthy nations and send all their money to the poor ones to ‘re-balance’ the globe and stop it cracking up!!!!!

    Oh, wait a minute.

  2. KG says:

    Should the Pacific Basin do a Krakatoa, the effing U.N. will be the last thing on anybody’s mind.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Perhaps a competition. Should the Pacific Basin do a Krakatoa, the one who collects the largest number of baby blue helmets before the devil gets to town is the winner. :cheers

      • KG says:

        YES! I think we could find enough support to make that an interesting competition. Are we allowed to do them in bulk lots?

  3. KG says:

    :cheers I could go along with that.

  4. These days every statistical anomoly is headline news for those who think lotto is an “investment”…

    • jonno1 says:

      Good one pinko (whoops, I mean pinkoFREE), I had an accountancy lecturer who asked who in the class bought lotto tickets, then told those who raised their hands that they’d already failed the statistics component of the course…

      Disclaimer: I’m an engineer, not an accountant, just did a BCom for a larf & to while away a few hours.

  5. Katie says:

    I guess he didn’t get the memo. Earthquakes are caused by global warming.

  6. mara says:

    pinkofreezone, this will upset your dad’s theory. I won $15,000 on scratchies and $100.000 on the Golden Kiwi, the precursor to Lotto. I was penniless at that time and it allowed me to buy a house outright in AK Central with about $20.000 to spare. I am not making this up, as Dave Barry would say. Yes, it also shows that I’m really old. Cheers. :cheers

    • jonno1 says:

      Good on you mara, I guess the exception proves the rule (and “someone has to win”…). I’m guessing late 70s for a $95k house in Central Auckland which must now be worth (well, be valued at) $600k (or more). And you clearly invested wisely – don’t know if that’s true of the average winner.

    • Did use the words “statistical anomoly” mara. You are a statistical anomoly.

  7. mara says:

    jonno1, ex state house Freemans bay on full site. $80.000. Georgina St. The neighbours on one side were feral and threw rats over the fence and let their kids play on the street while mum was “asleep”. A couple of their dogs were run over according to the kids I spoke to. No kids died in the street while we were there. In those days, in “86, few people really foresaw the future. They still dont.

  8. mara says:

    But yes jonno1. That property is likely on track for a mill.

    • jonno1 says:

      Ah yes, I picked one at random: #20, 916m2, current CV $880,000, so x11 or $800k “profit” in 25 years (if comparable to yours). But some are even higher, eg #10 on 306m2 is valued at $900k. What the…? My own place has gone up by a mere factor of 2.5 in 14 years (on paper) so not so good, but still equates to a reasonable after-tax wage! And better neighbours.