the public bears the risk, the bureaucrats will get off free:

‘A man convicted of raping and murdering an 83-year-old woman is to be released on parole, despite being judged a high risk of reoffending.’

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17 Responses to the public bears the risk, the bureaucrats will get off free:

  1. kowtow says:

    Buzz word justice,that’ll fix it.

    Intensive,extensive,monitor,support,blah blah blah.

    An old lady is dead and more are in danger.

  2. Angus says:

    If he does re-offend, it’ll be the same excuses and reasoning’s put forward when the parole board let Burton out with disastrous consequences.

    “the system failed” “a new approach may be needed” “no one person is to blame”

    • KG says:

      If it was my wife or mother, I wouldn’t bother dealing with the scumbag–I’d hunt down the members of the Parole Board.
      Because what these assholes are saying, very clearly, is that the perp’s interests outweigh a very real danger to the public.

  3. Kane says:

    And not only is an old lady dead, she died in a needless, brutal, cruel way. What is it with ths country? Crime and no punishment.

    • KG says:

      Bleeding-heart lefties is what’s wrong, Kane.

      • Pascal says:

        No. They merely provide the blood lusters in power the excuse, the cover, not the real reason.

    • Pascal says:

      What is it with this country? It’s quickly becoming that in most all of the West. Isn’t it obvious that a murderer must be an agent of the state? I can’t imagine it would take you long to figure out what his job description looks like.

      Did you ever see the last scenes of Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange? Alex was signaled what was expected of him by the Prime minister himself. You are there.

      • KG says:

        Didn’t that movie turn out to be prophetic, Pascal!

        • Pascal says:

          Reading Anthony Burgess’ book completed my conversion. The story was so effective that I never voted for a Democrat ever again. It wasn’t much later that I realized that the country-club GOP was even more dangerous, mostly because they have been more clandestine about their intentions. Trying to get principled conservatives to split with what they now call the GOP-E (finally!) has been a 40 year crusade. I fear it is too late. Look we have Bumney coming at best.

      • Pascal says:

        The one scene that has not transpired yet that I am aware of is the very last one.

        That has all the upper crust, turned out in their finest clothes, cheering and clapping as Alex rapes and beats a young girl for their entertainment.

        But I have no doubt that is coming. I see strong signs that our monsters are determined to make the events of the Roman Colosseum look decent by comparison. The Romans thought of the gladiators and Christians as slaves. Our übermenschen think of you as subhuman.

        • KG says:

          “Our übermenschen think of you as subhuman.”
          And of course, they’ve now produced a large segment of society which fits that description…..

          • Pascal says:

            It’s all a matter of conditioning. The object is to reduce the population of the planet in the name of sustainability. It’s so much easier on the conscience when the vast numbers of humans have been conditioned to revert to primitive behavior.

            Talk about prophetic. Anyone who has not read “The Abolition of Man,” or didn’t comprehend it 20 years or more ago, google it and read the free online version of it. However, there is at least one typo in the online version that I warn about.

            “Instinct, by the inly known reality of conscience and not a reduction of conscience to the category of Instinct.”

            The online version replaced inly with only and completely botches the meaning of the sentence. This could be another version of Orwell’s memory hole. Ruining the record in old books is even easier than rewriting history.

  4. Andrei says:

    In the nineteen fifties they had a solution to this.

    It was called the “meccano set” and it lived in Mount Eden Prison.

    I don’t think a single little old lady got raped and murdered in NZ during that decade because if they had without a shadow of a doubt the culprit would ascend the steps of the “meccano set” and that would be the last thing he ever would do in this life.

    • KG says:

      Given the number of stuff-ups by the legal system, I’m uncomfortable with the State having the power to kill people, Andrei. Even the vaunted DNA tests have been shown to be fallible and falsifiable.
      But life in prison with hard labour would suit very well.

      • Paul Marsden says:

        I’d be happy with just life in prison…preferably made as miserable as possible.

      • Pascal says:

        Not to worry KG. It won’t be long before they remove the mask and decide that executions are back in style.

        The solution under the current system is simple. My grandfather circa 1955 blurted it out every time he read of a judge giving some thug a suspended sentence. “Fine. That’s his judgment. But if there is a next time, the judge gets to serve the max sentence he didn’t dole out this time.”

        And for repeat capital felons? The parole board that let the Cretan out gets a visit from the sepukku assist squad. No exceptions.

        • Darin says:

          I figure that’s how we fix the criminal justice system.If the police,investigators,prosecutors or judges foul up a case and convict an innocent person,then they get to serve out the sentence they handed down including the death penalty.That would insure the proper burden of proof.
          As to the piece of human filth that is the subject of the above article,here where I live he would get a needle in the arm and not be a bother to anyone anymore.

          Personally violent offenders who repeat their crimes after release should receive no appeals.They have already proven what they are and should be put down with in a week of the second trial.