‘OPEN DOORS: Government will pay families to house asylum seekers
THE Federal Government will pay families up to $300 a week to temporarily house asylum seekers in their homes to help deal with the increasing flood of arrivals…’
The “increasing flood of arrivals”  IS NOT A FLOOD OF ASYLUM SEEKERS. It’s a flood of illegal immigrants. Even if a few of them ARE genuine asylum seekers, then they’re queue-jumpers. And why is there a queue anyway? Were Australians ever asked if they wanted to sign up to the U.N. diktats concerning refugees? The flood of primitive, anti-Western assholes has reached huge proportions because the word is now out that the Gillard government has lost control of the situation. Add “family reunions” to the illegals who have arrived since the Labor Party made it into power and we’re looking at a huge burden on the taxpayer for years to come, never mind the socially destructive effects.
These wreckers and haters in the Labor Party, mired in sleaze and corruption, have lost any legitimacy to govern and seem determined to do as much damage as possible before they’re thrown out. The truly staggering thing is that it would take just two or three principled politicians  to bring down the illegitimate minority government AND THEY ARE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.
The title of this post is probably wrong…the Gillard government isn’t insane, at least, not in the usual sense. It’s engaged in exactly the same project the Blair government of Britain finally admitted it was engaged in–the dismantling of a culture. This is malevolent social engineering. Cultural genocide.

Adding to the problem, the refugee appeals process is riddled with corrupt lawyers, leftist judges and leftist bureaucrats, and none of the bastards has any real attachment to Australia. They could operate equally well and be perfectly at home in Brussels or the U.N.
The assholes have no loyalty to anything other than a huge salary and an ideology – and now the corruption reaches from top to bottom. Aided by a complicit media and an education system which indoctrinates the young so they can take their place in the machine when their turn comes. I’m beginning to think that Breivik was on to something–cutting off the supply of new recruits may be the only long-term answer to the creeping disease that’s killing the West. (Somebody remind me…how many “refugees” does Japan accept?)
But we don’t have a “long term”. A narrow ideological/cultural elite will have stolen the Australia we know long before such a solution could be implemented. And the process is not reversible.

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21 Responses to THIS IS F***ING INSANE!

  1. KG says:

    I’m also beginning to wonder if some of the U.N. supported minor wars aren’t in fact a mechanism to inject more of the primitives into the West. Initiate military action, under whatever pretext, then Western countries have to pay for their “humanitarian intervention” by accepting the resulting flood of bogus refugees. If the interventions are so fucking successful, why are there refugees from those countries?

  2. Sir Scumsucker says:

    GOD bless Breivik – the last European.

  3. Angus says:

    Don’t get me started on the Pollyanna-ish views on immigration that the Libertarianz have.

    • KG says:

      “Pollyanna-ish” is a lot more polite than the way I’d describe them, Angus. ;-)

  4. mawm says:

    “principled politician” – now that is an oxymoron.

    I keep on saying it – the UN is our enemy. :rant They are ruling us through “diktat”. Get rid of them and every single treaty, declaration, etc. our politicians have ever signed – and we will be free. Islam and this anti-west socialism that is being forced upon us will go.

  5. KG says:

    I agree wholeheartedly, Mawm but the time is past where it’s possible to simply “get rid of them”. No political party (to my knowledge, at least) has that objective as part of their platform.
    Perhaps somebody, sometime has set out the costs, benefits and consequences of withdrawing from membership? If so, I’d love to read it.

  6. Sir Scumsucker says:

    An interesting read on the pickle that we are in (and by ‘we’ I mean non-Marxist inspired Westerners) is Nial Ferguson’s “Civilization”.

  7. mawm says:

    All we need is a McVeigh to park his truck somewhere on 1st Avenue between 45th and 46th Street, NY, NY. :roll:

  8. Sir Scumsucker says:

    “Immigrate, fornicate, legislate, and dominate. How do we stop the cycle?”

  9. Anonymous says:

    :wtf we have enough of these so called asylum seekers?this government needs to look in our own backyard and help the homeless,pensioners,the poor,the under privelleged ,what about the aussie battlers miss gillard? put em all on a bigger boat an piss em off miss gillard also?

  10. mara says:

    What needs to happen, perversely I know, is for an illegal, billeted with a fine upstanding , wide eyed, leftie family, to commit an atrocity, preferably of a sexual nature, against a family member, by way of gratitude for their charitable act. Then get a taxpayer funded defence to argue that the poor chap has been so traumatised by the boat journey that he couldn’t be held accountable. That should halt the fake refugee process. Oh wait …

    • KG says:

      :twisted: It’s a good thought, Mara. But you know the media and the courts would excuse the prick because he’s a “victim”.
      I wonder how many Juliar and the refugee advocates intend to take in to their houses?

      • Darin says:

        That’s an Idea,maybe we should all fire off an e-mail or three hundred asking them each to lead by example and adopt a family of 15 Somalian asylum seekers :twisted:

        • Darin says:

          On second thought,just send them my picture,tell them my name is Ala Ali Wakiweed and I’ll be staying with you for the next six months and please send the $300 checks post haste :whoop

  11. octagongrappler says:

    We Need a Joe Apaio in NZ :gunner …

  12. andy5759 says:

    The wreckers have done their job here in ENGLAND (remember that place?). They have de-normalised tobacco, alcohol, “fatty” food, sweet food, heterosexuality, Englishness, in fact they have pissed me and normal people like me off royally. The only solution is for me to get totally wasted – so it’s off to the pub right after work for a “ten-thirty swill”. Otherwise I don’t know how my sanity will stand up to this onslaught.

  13. Tom says:

    My aussie mate tells me they have had 500 applicants in the first 3 hours.Is it something in the water over there?