we’re watching the death of national sovereignty.

‘Even if he’s not re-elected, the president hopes to leave behind a treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our territorial waters and to which we’d be required to give half of our offshore oil revenue.
The Law Of The Sea Treaty (LOST) has been lurking in the shadows for decades. Like the Kyoto Protocol that pretended to be an effort to save the earth from the poisoned fruit of the Industrial Revolution, LOST pretends to be an effort to protect the world’s oceans from environmental damage and remove it as a cause of potential conflicts between nations.
Like its Kyoto cousin, LOST is an attempt at the global redistribution of power and wealth, the embodiment of the progressive dream of the end of the nation state as we know it and the end of political freedom by giving veto over all of mankind’s activities to a global body — in this case something called the International Seabed Authority, located in Kingston, Jamaica…’
And it gets worse….read the rest.

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35 Responses to we’re watching the death of national sovereignty.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    That would be the Law of the Sea Treaty that was ratified by New Zealand on 19 July 1996 (Prime Minister: Jim Bolger) and by Australia on 15 October 1994 (Prime Minister: Paul Keating)?


    • KG says:

      I think this proposal goes a lot further, Gantt.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Perhaps the Obama version is the retarded bastard child of the earlier version mating with its first cousin. They look like very similar beasties to me.

  2. KG says:

    “Perhaps the Obama version is the retarded bastard child of the earlier version mating with its first cousin. ” :whoop :whoop

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Just like a British Pakistani Moslem :popcorn

      Pity we don’t have a bacon sarnie smiley!

      • KG says:

        Perhaps a little pink pig smiley? I’ll look for the code and see if our Sooper Sekrit Tech Guy can slot it in. :smile:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Your Sooper Sekrit Tech Guy obviously doesn’t work for Telstra, with speed like that!

      • KG says:

        Heh! No. I found the code, now I just have to ask him to install it in the relevant plugin. I just had a look and reeled back in horror….it’s ugly in there. :shock:

  3. KG says:

    I could mail you the code, so you have your own wee piggy….it’s just a matter of typing it in the comments box then.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      It will become a standard on all posts dealing with our ‘Asian’ invaders.

  4. KG says:

    :mrgreen: mailing it.

  5. KG says:


  6. Darin says:

    Oh I’ve been reading on this one.Seems it proposes giving 1/2 of all our oil royalties to the UN which I totally :censor :gunner :censor :gunner disagree with :rant

    Maybe time for a five page mega-rant-developing :popcorn

  7. Katie says:

    People forget that no treaty is law in the United States until it is ratified by the Senate. Obama can sign the damn thing, but the Senate will not be in Democrat hands when it is brought before it.

    The words Dead On Arrival comes to mind.

  8. what are we going to do about it–
    get us out of the UN!! individual national sovereignty – for all freedom loving nations – must be re-established!
    Keep at it – CR-

    • Richard says:

      We need to go further, Carol. Declare the UN an organised crime syndicate. Evict it from wherever it rests, and hunt down every apparatchik from it. Try them for treason and execute them.

      That’d be a good start.


      • KG says:

        Run a lottery to pick the next one to be executed, Richard. That way the pest-control would be self-funding. :lol:

  9. WAKE UP says:

    “… in this case something called the International Seabed Authority, located in Kingston, Jamaica”

    located WHERE ???!! :shock:

  10. mara says:

    If this issue got real air-time in America, more than a handful of voters would actually know something about it. It’s political dynamite, as if any more were needed, to blow Barry’s black, bony ass straight out of the White House. Surely. :popcorn

  11. I think we can all be pretty sure this bastard will do it, he’ll do this and every other thing he can to wreck the country before he’s hauled out on his treacherous and worthless backside.