An unwitting endorsement of the “far right”:

Sex ring trial sparks UK racial tension
Nine men of Pakistani and Afghan descent have been convicted of luring girls as young as 13 into sexual encounters using alcohol and drugs, in a case that has heightened racial tensions in Britain and stirred protests among the far right.
The five victims who shared their stories with jurors during the trial were all white…’
So now we know who is ethical enough to be outraged by imported scumbags raping girls. For the leftard multicultis, it’s probably a case of as usual.

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16 Responses to An unwitting endorsement of the “far right”:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Surely they’ll be sentenced to a lengthy stay in prison, then deported?

    Nah, silly me. Maybe they’d be taken into ‘protective custody’ in Kabul if the BNP and EDL were really the dangerous, violent right-wing thugs the MSM paints them?

  2. kowtow says:

    This is what happens when the application of the law is debased on account of “identity politics” or whatever it’s called.
    Greater Manchester is one of the very PC forces apparently. They love to fly the so called Pride flag on whatever day they “celebrate” whatever it is they celebrate.

  3. octagongrappler says:

    Looks like the diversity dividend is paying in full in the UK :rant

  4. How the media handled the reporting of the actions of the vermis is almost as appalling.

  5. Indeed KG, I’d be more inclined to believe former Labour MP Ann Cryer.
    Pity her government let in so many of the filth.

    And top copper Mike Gradwell certainly contradicts the official line.
    The PC brigade have much to answer for.

    • KG says:

      “The PC brigade have much to answer for.”
      They sure do, Fairfacts. We need to remember and keep reminding people that the whole PC thing was dreamed up in the USSR as a way of weakening the West.
      PC idiots are doing the communist’s work for them.

  6. Flashman says:

    Mr Plod and Child Welfare repeatedly refused to respond to victim’s testimonies on the grounds that to do so would provoke accusations of “racism”. And so the pack rapes continued.

    And in the hours following the trial verdict, Mr Plod went public with a statement to the effect that these crimes were not [repeat, not] “of a racist nature”.

    Which of course confirms that they were indeed evidence of hard-core racism.

    A final thought: if nine White men were found guilty of an organised process of pack raping Islamic women, the dear old politically correct mainstreampropagandamedia would be making The Cause of the Decade. Not so?

    • KG says:

      You bet they would! There’s a double standard operating that has become so much the norm, people simply aren’t aware of it any more.

  7. Flashman says:

    Another thought:

    When a 13 year old gave a six hour testimony to Mr Plod, it was decided not to proceed with an investigation. Where after the young girl was again pack raped, made pregnant and had to had an abortion.

    Yet the same Mr Plod will happily proceed to issue traffic tickets for trivial technical faux pas.

    Mr Plod is confirmed as a gutless, politically correct coward.

    • KG says:

      And worse–Plod prevents decent people dealing with the problem themselves.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I wonder if the 13-YO has a cause of action at law against Mr Plod? Gross negligence? Dereliction of duty? Damages of any sort? That would make the bastards think a little more carefully next time they ignore a paedo ring because they’re ‘Asian’ and are afraid of being labelled raaaaaaccccciiiiiissssssstttttt!

      Moslem Gourmet

  8. KG says:

    He’s a multitasking porker. :smile:

  9. nigel201065 says:

    It beggers belief that this could happen in any western country
    Fuck the police if this was my daughter we wouldn’t be looking at 9 murders
    Another reason England needs to kick these animals out and kick out the EU and all this PC shit, how anyone who believes in diversity and multiculturalism I don’t know