Bureaucrats and the homosexual nazis….a slimy alliance.

‘Archbishop Cranmer’ carries an advertisement on his blog which invites people to sign a petition against homosexual marriage. This was the result:
‘Apparently there have been a number of complaints about one of the advertisements His Grace carried on behalf of the Coalition for Marriage. He has been sent all manner of official papers, formal documentation and threatening notices which demand answers to sundry questions by a certain deadline. He is instructed by the ‘Investigations Executive’ of this inquisition to keep all this confidential.

Since His Grace does not dwell in Iran, North Korea, Soviet Russia, Communist China or Nazi Germany, but occupies a place in the cyber-ether suspended somewhere between purgatory and paradise, he is minded to ignore that request. Who do these people think they are?…’

UpdateCranmer replies.

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13 Responses to Bureaucrats and the homosexual nazis….a slimy alliance.

  1. oswald bastable says:

    Now the poofs are trying to say that is you hate them, you are one of them.


    Talk about trying to have a dollar each way!

    • KG says:

      Yeah, I just saw that, Oswald. It’s nothing more than a crude attempt to shut down criticism by making people afraid to take the risk of being labelled a closet homosexual.

  2. Andrei says:

    Cultural fascists are grinding us down piece by piece there is this as well


    I don’t know about you but I am a live and live sort of guy – what consenting adults do with each other is no concern of mine.

    But this Gay propaganda is changing my pov – indoctrinating kids into sodomy is not OK – they have the right idea in Russia it is legal but if you want to go that way keep it to yourself and if you don’t – well you wear the consequences

  3. KG says:

    “I don’t know about you but I am a live and live sort of guy – what consenting adults do with each other is no concern of mine.”
    That’s very much how I feel, Andrei. But these activist homosexual bastards won’t stop trying to “normalise” what is abnormal behaviour and they won’t stop trying to intimidate us into accepting it as normal. They also seem to think they have an imagined “right” to indoctrinate other people’s children.
    That makes them my enemy.

  4. Cadwallader says:

    The problem with “gays” is they choose to pinion their entire lives on their sexual preferences. This seems to over state their penchant for buggery as a symbol of a model form of life, while in truth it is their momentary sexual pleasure and nothing more. I enjoyed your description of the location the clergyman inhabits. It reminds me of Hallsbury’s Laws of England: where barristers sit between bankruptcy and buggery while solicitors nestle between sodomy and solvency.

  5. These extreme activists do not speak for me, especially with their threats to Archbishop Cranmer, but I have to say that before I accepted certain things, I would make homophobic jokes. It was because I was in denial and there could well be a point in what some people say on this issue.
    Anyway, I am most interested in the role of the beloved ObamaMessiah over this issue, especially since The One has received so much praise from the media.
    It seems Obama supported gay marriage as far back as 1996, but he has flipped and flopped according to the winds of political change or what his paymasters wanted.
    Thus, rather than him being ‘courageous’ as the BBC would have it, Obama is nothing but a politically expedient spineless charlatan who would sell his beliefs for a dollar or to gain or maintain power.
    Now, we have Newsweek piling on the praise for their beloved President, though you do wonder if the front cover of Obama being America’s ‘first gay president’ might have the results Newsweek might have in mind.

  6. KG says:

    It’s a very funny cover, Fairfacts, but all it does is keep the gay “marriage” debate going.
    Obama came out in favour of gay marriage out of pure political expediency, and I see it garnered him something like$15m at a Hollywood fundraiser.
    All the militant homosexuals are succeeding in doing is undermining the hard-won tolerance that a lot of decent people worked for. I have a couple of gay friends who are appalled by their tactics and wish the zealots would just get a bloody life. What’s inexplicable to most of us is why anybody would turn their personal sexual preferences into a public crusade.

    • Darin says:

      Oh the libs are saying here that it’s “the civil rights battle of our time”equating it to Black civil rights.To which I say okay where does the assumption of “rights” stop?At what point is enough,enough?What next rights for pedos?Polygamy?Bestiality?Do all those get “rights” too?

  7. rufus says:

    Thanks for picking up on this KG – I’ve been reading Cranmer for a couple of years. He (she?) is always a good read – clear, to the point, that particular brand of English humour of which you’re never quite sure if they’re taking the piss, and not afraid of stating the truth.

    And so the tables have turned, and the persecution begins.

  8. KG says:

    A brilliant reply from Cranmer to the ASA..note the “smouldering faggots” bit–Wabbit is still laughing. :mrgreen: