Are New Zealand cops utterly bloody useless?

Jeffrey and Helen Zhang came to New Zealand from China for a better life.
But after five years in Hamilton Mr Zhang has been attacked by shoplifters four times, including being stabbed, and after both he and his wife were beaten yesterday, he’s never felt so vulnerable…
….Mr Zhang said people would often sit outside the Bader St shopping complex and drink alcohol..’
Yes, but if the lowlifes were to take a break from boozing and beating people up, and exceed the speed limit by 5km/hr the cops would be down on them like a ton of bricks. This is cowardly, politically-correct policing. They won’t deal effectively with the gangs because the political will is not there to back them up and an army of ambulance-chasing scumsucker lawyers stands ready to act on the gang’s behalf. At the taxpayer’s expense, of course. Meanwhile Kiwis are forbidden to employ the only real force equalizer available. Their political masters have decreed that they must be victims or potential victims. Apparently it’s preferable for honest hardworking people to be at risk of life and limb because armed citizens are a possible risk to a non-existent “public safety”. *spit*

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21 Responses to Are New Zealand cops utterly bloody useless?

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    From the link:

    “…shop owners who noticed suspicious behaviour should contact police before a situation got out of hand.”

    Shop Owner: “Hello, Police. There is a bunch of people loitering outside my store. They’re drinking and I am afraid. I believe they have nefarious intentions.”
    Police: “Have they committed a crime? Did you notice one of them spending on the way to your shopping centre?”
    Shop Owner: “No”
    Police: “There’s nothing we can do until they commit a crime”

    How much better would this story have been if it had read “Police praised Mrs Zhang when, after one of the degenerates knocked Mr Zhang unconscious, she held all 3 at bay with the shotgun the Zhangs always keep behind the counter. All 3 have been arrested and will face court n multiple charges.”

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Second thoughts if that happened, some idiot would arrest the poor woman for having an unregistered firearm! :roll: :rant

      • KG says:

        Of course–it’s all about policing the easy targets.
        Does anybody seriously believe it’s not possible to break up the gangs? Of course not. But police stand by while the thugs take over whole towns and then warn the citizens not to take the law into their own hands!
        Thugs rule, with the aid of the police.

      • Cadwallader says:

        How about..”in defence of herself and her property she had plastered each bit of filth across the footpath outside her shop with a shotgun.” Thats got a better ring to it!

  2. KG says:

    “…shop owners who noticed suspicious behaviour should contact police before a situation got out of hand.”
    Is just plain dishonest.

  3. Mark.V. says:

    I recall that the police used the armed offenders squad backed up by a helicopter to arrest Kim Dotcom. If they require that degree of fire power to arrest an overweight computer nerd it is not surprising that they are unwilling to tackle real criminals. They must be crapping themselves at the thought of having to arrest a shoplifter.

    • KG says:

      Exactly, Mark.

    • mawm says:

      They must be crapping themselves at the thought of having to arrest a shoplifter.

      Thanks Mark……….there’s beer all over my screen. :cheers

  4. Andrei says:

    That’s the thing – we are not allowed to defend ourselves or our property but must defer all to the authorities.

    The thing is if there was a high probability of ending up with your guts spilled on the floor if you pull these sort of stunts then the incidence of them would decline markedly.

    But our rulers want us to be a nation of docile sheep – so defending yourself leads to punishment

  5. Rufus says:

    If I was a small shop owner (unlikely), I would keep a shotgun close. No ifs, no buts. Now I believe you only point it at someone you’re willing to shoot (if necessary), but at the same time, for a NZ situation, you could fill it with blanks. NZ is still the kind of place where a show of force would do for most miscreants. Nothing like the sound of loading a 12 gauge to put the fear into some dickhead trying to nick off with the till.

    My wife was aghast when I told her I wanted one at home. She till doesn’t understand.

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Mine does :gunner

      • KG says:

        Mine too. :mrgreen:

        • Darin says:

          It’s a mans responsibility to defend his family and have the means to do so.
          I your wife doesn’t like the idea,then tell her to get up and check to see who is rattling the door knob at 2:00 am.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I,m surprised that the police didn’t say that they were looking to take a “holistic approach” to this incident.
    Read we are too shit scared to do anything constructive or really don’t have a clue. :wtf :wtf

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’m sure it will be just a matter of time before the usual excuses are trotted out. They k ly stole because they were poor (so they stole sunnies and not a loaf of bread?). They only bashed Mr Zhang because he chased them. He was the aggressor, and they were merely defending themselves. They bashed Mrs Zhang because they were afraid she would come after them. :gunner

  7. Flashman says:

    I’ve always viewed police operations on a cost-benefit basis to members of the community.

    On a life time basis, the police usually cost more than they benefit the average citizen.

    They’ll meet their revenue quota by billing folk for minor technical breaches of traffic laws, yet fail abjectly to resolve property crimes that involve real costs to individuals and households. It is of course easier, cheaper and more profitable for the police to park up with a speed camera than it is to solve an orthodox crime.

    • Darin says:

      Flash,they can’t go after real criminals,they might get hurt :grin: Much safer to stop a driver for no safety belt or an expired brake sticker.

    • rivoniaboy says:

      I concur with you with you Flash

  8. Paul Marsden says:

    If New Zealand had police chiefs even closely resembling the ilk of Gideon Tait, this sort of barbaric nonsense would be wiped out over night

  9. mara says:

    The rot seeps down from the top which in turn is obedient to Government. So don’t blame the lowly cops on the beat who are as frustrated as we are. I speak with these people and they tell me they didn’t sign up to harass motorists over minor infringements etc. They do what they are TOLD to do or they resign in disgust.
    Our minister of Police only SOUNDS tough on law and order (if that) but in reality is as weak as our present government. And the one before that. Gideon Tait’s day is sadly over.