Advocate killing Jews? Then your demo is “just like Anzac day”.

‘A BID to stop a pro-Palestinian demonstration was rejected by a Supreme Court justice because it should be treated just like Anzac Day or Australia Day.
In allowing last night’s CBD march to go ahead, Justice Christine Adamson said freedom of speech and history was more important than the risk of commuters being inconvenienced…’
‘This is not Christmas, and these are our streets’
Christine Adamson is a stupid and deeply offensive bitch.

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7 Responses to Advocate killing Jews? Then your demo is “just like Anzac day”.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    I wonder how many Green Party MPs made the trip (taxpayer funded, of course) from Canberra to Sydney to march in solidarity with their terrorist mates? :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner

    • KG says:

      Yeah…all the usual suspects would have been there. :evil: Supporting the training of kids to become homicide bombers and the murder of Jewish schoolchildren is just so trendy, comrade.

  2. Odakyu-sen says:

    No, let them protest. That way everyone can see them in the sunlight.

    • The Gantt Guy says:


      I wonder if next year we should have some patriots there taking names and photos for when the time comes for justice.

  3. Katie says:

    Is it any wonder that many Jews are looking into leaving the country. Why stay in a nation that openly supports killing all the Jews in the world.

  4. mara says:

    But where are they going to go Katie? They probably left Israel to avoid having their kids blown out of their beds one night. Jew hating, albeit oh so carefully denied, is rampant in the West. They might have believed that Australia was a safe, untainted country. It was once. Cue the current liberal idiots like Christine Adamson. Jews have kept their heads down for so long, the pressure must be rising. If I were Jewish I would not recommend the lying down fuck-me position for much longer. Happily, they are smarter than the enemy, so against history, I harbour hope.