“A Censored Race War”

The media ignore racially motivated black-on-white crime.
By Thomas Sowell
‘..In Milwaukee, for example, an attack on whites at a public park a few years ago left many of the victims battered to the ground and bloody. But when the police arrived on the scene, it became clear that the authorities wanted to keep this quiet.
One 22-year-old woman, who had been robbed of her cell phone and debit card, and had blood streaming down her face, said, “About 20 of us stayed to give statements and make sure everyone was accounted for. The police wouldn’t listen to us, they wouldn’t take our names or statements. They told us to leave. It was completely infuriating.”..’

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12 Responses to “A Censored Race War”

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    I just finished reading this article myself, KG (hat tip Andrew Bolt).

    The sentiment expressed by Dr Sowell is very closely associated with your post from the other day which contained the video from the gent from the British Freedom Party.

    There is a collective appeasement program underway in both the media and law enforcement to ensure that only one side (Moslems in Britain, blacks in America) even know they’re at war. I think the word appeasement is the correct one, for both the media and law enforcement hide the horrors perpetrated by the protagonists in the hope of seeing “peace in our time”.

    Pray the other side (our side – the Allied Forces in this new war) awaken soon, while the forces of the Axis powers remain comparatively weak, because if we remain asleep for too much longer the war, when it officially commences, will be much longer, much bloodier and much harder to win.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Oh, and in that same vein, it turns out George Zimmerman had a a broken nose and lacerations following his interaction with The Gangbanger Who Would Be The Son Of The President.

    E most surprising thing about this is apt hat its the ABC reporting it.

    • KG says:

      Yes, but I see just now that the FBI is considering investigating it as a hate crime!
      Hate goes just one way, apparently….

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Of course. Zimmerman* obviously broke his own nose after he profiled, targeted and executed Martin.

        * a WHITE (Hispanic) man.

        • KG says:

          A few people point out that should it come to an all-out race war, blacks had better remember that they’re badly outnumbered.
          But that’s a poor argument. Motivated, violent blacks far outnumber the whites who would be prepared to use the same tactics. Further, the police will be on the side of blacks. Bet on it. Because of politics, and because whites are far, far easier to police.

          • Just Another Richard says:

            “the police will be on the side of blacks. Bet on it. Because of politics, and because whites are far, far easier to police.”

            Not so sure about that KG, remember, the police have families too. Given the degree of hate engendered in the black communities by all those community organisers, academics and media types, a full blown race war, would be a disaster for all, but given the propensity of a rampaging black mob to indulge in sadistic brutality, their middle class allies would soon shear off, if only because of their own collateral damage at the hands of angry blacks out to get their whitey. While you are most probably correct in the assumption that the police would initially side with the black communities, I think there would soon be a whole hell of a lot of desertions, leaving the white elites dangerously exposed to whatever angry mob comes wandering down their street.

            When reality begins to hit home amongst the chattering classes, never the bravest to start with, they would quickly lose enthusiasm for the fight, after all, for all their fine words for Mandela, the ANC and South Africa, you don’t see a stampede of Guardian types heading off to the new nirvana in the south, surely, it can’t be about the cut in wages they’d have to take could it…not those fearless champions of diversity. Surely this would be the chance to live those fine words :whoop

            One other thing, there is a seething undercurrent amongst the white underclasses, a demographic which is larger than the total black population of the US. No KG, I see a conflict somewhat reminiscent of the Sepoy Rebellion in India in 1857, initial fantastic success to the black communities, with truly horrific incidences of savage brutality, followed by remorseless steamroller of white forces, reasserting their position, most probably with a fair degree of brutality of their own. Recall, the media, whenever the Indian Mutiny is brought up, always and invariably mention the brutal methods the British used to suppress the mutineers, never EVER mentioning the horrific brutality meeted out to the families, women and children, of the British in India, which brought out that human trait of revenge. Read up on it, there truly were some horrible tales of brutality and sadism.

            • Darin says:

              JAR,I believe you are correct.If it does happen(it’s likely already started)it will be bloody and it won’t last long.
              There are decades of rage pent up in the white community here,mostly brought on by having to excuse savage behavior from savages who refuse to integrate into society.
              It’s an interesting example of white,liberal arrogance to believe that whites can be forced to accept integration and that ALL blacks will even integrate in the firstplace.Most similar groups of people will mix with few problems,but when you have several radically different even hostile sub-cultures you can expect some brush fires around the edges.Only in the current state here so much fuel has built up once it lights off there won’t be any easy way to put it out.

        • mawm says:

          ….and “Trayvon” had abrasions on his knuckles……..that Zimmerman must have put there after the fact.

          KG if it comes to an all out race war the blacks will have millions of numb-brained whites, like that stupid Warren bint, on their side. Spit.

  3. KG says:

    Got to drive Gecko to Townsville, right now. Talk to you later.

  4. KG says:

    Back. Now sitting in Townsville and it’s a beautiful evening.

  5. octagongrappler says:

    This also explains why so many Maori and Polynesian youth are converting to Islam??

    It’s more of an anti-whitey organisation ie Mundine and co!! :rant