Now, that’s a diamond!

30,000+ carats

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8 Responses to Now, that’s a diamond!

  1. mawm says:

    We’d like it back, thanks. :roll:

  2. oswald bastable says:

    Coal that’s been up a greenies arse.

  3. makes this woman smile-

    • KG says:

      Lovely, isn’t it Carol? I don’t care about the value–diamonds with big inclusions are almost worthless, but beautiful nonetheless.

      • mawm says:

        Forget the 4C’s – cut, clarity, colour, carats – there are some beautiful coloured diamonds that go for far less, although the vivid ones are rare and costly.

        Inclusions reduce the internal refraction of light and make the diamond sparkle less, hence the decrease in value. None the less they are still beautiful.

        Quality, unless you trade in diamonds or keep them for their monetary value, for that once-in-a-lifetime purchase for your betrothed does not need to be of a high standard and size does matter. :shock: Her friends will not be able to tell the difference anyway. :roll:

  4. Katie says:

    I wonder how many carats it will be cut down to?