“It’s Criminal to Criticize Obama”

says teacher to student! In the verbal exchange, he gives her a lesson.
‘The school district classified the exchange – which is obviously just another case of a pro-Obama teacher shoveling her views down students’ throats – a “learning experience.” It isn’t. It’s political intimidation, and it’s just another example of how the American public school system has become an indoctrination tool for the left. This teacher should be suspended or fired forthwith, if only for incompetence.’         Breitbart

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7 Responses to “It’s Criminal to Criticize Obama”

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    I’m LMAO that the student threw a quote from “Dreams From My Father” back at the indoctri-bot!

    Kid is a hero, in my book. I only hope Miss Six takes a similar interest in concepts of freedom, liberty and honest debate.

  2. mara says:

    That’s exactly the sort of thing my kid did at school when the leftie crapola became too much, I’m very proud to say. ;-) The system cannot brainwash them all. There may be reason for hope.

    • KG says:

      It all depends on having good parents at home who take an interest what their kids are being taught, doesn’t it?

  3. mara says:

    Yep. What else would work?

    • KG says:

      Nothing. But the frightening thing is, the number of parents who are not only not interested in what their kids are being taught, but who are also ill-equipped to judge it anyway.

  4. Can’t fire these pustules when they rape the children, so I’m pretty sure a promotion is in order for this one once the heat dies down.

  5. WAKE UP says:

    Saw this on Fox, the kid was brillant. The teacher was hysterical and out of control.