Did Mohammed exist?

‘..But Islam is an entirely different matter. We have extensive archaeological evidence in the form of coins and inscriptions from the 7th century, and there is no mention of a new religion in any of them until 70 years after Mohammed’s supposed death, as Nevo and Koren showed in their 2003 book Crossroads to Islam. Two centuries go by before an account of Mohammed’s life is circulated. The Koran itself is evidently a compilation that draws on contemporary Jewish and Christian sources, in a language that often does not resemble Arabic…’             ‘Why Invent Mohammed?’

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20 Responses to Did Mohammed exist?

  1. Lucia Maria says:

    That was really interesting. It certainly makes sense that Islam is an invented religion – my favourite Catholic author, Hilaire Belloc said as much. And that it borrowed heavily from the Easter Christian world around it that it conquered, a world that was Arian (a Christian heresy that denied Our Lord’s divinity). That Gnosticism comes into it makes sense – that way of thinking perverts everything it touches. Gnosticism was the first heresy that Christianity had to deal with and it pops up constantly.

  2. KG says:

    If true, this could really put the cat among the pigeons as far as Western government policy towards islam is concerned, Lucia Maria.
    The believers will of course carry on believing, but it will be hard to justify shaping public policy in the West (ie sharia law) if the whole shebang is based on a fiction. :lol:

    • Ronbo says:

      We frequently mistake “The Great Jihad” against the West as being waged from a position of strength by the Muslims – the reverse is true. The great Muslim revolt that started in 1921 with the creation of the Muslim Brotherhood is a last desperate attempt by Islam to save itself from the West.

      I would liken it to “The Battle of the Bulge” where Hitler rolled the dice of the Blitz one last time time to stop the inevitable Allied destruction of his regime.

      Of course, there will be much more “blood, toil, sweat and tears” before the inevitable Western destruction of Islam. However, the die is cast by the coming massive famine and large scale starvation due to failing Arab economies like Egypt.

  3. Lucia Maria says:

    I don’t know about that, KG.

    In regards to religion, a great many people think that they are all myths. Historical inconsistency is something that various scholars keep trying to undermine Christianity with.

    • KG says:

      There’s generally little credible disagreement that Jesus existed, whatever the details. If Mohammed can be shown to be a fiction, that’s an entirely different thing.

  4. Andrei says:

    If Mohammed can be shown to be a fiction, that’s an entirely different thing.

    You think?
    The IPCC’s version of climate change has been shown to be a fiction but we are still paying the ETS

  5. KG says:

    I do think so, Andrei. This will be fought by people who are a lot more committed than the vast herd who simply grin and bear it where new taxes are concerned. Kinda like the difference between poking a teddy bear and a leopard…. :mrgreen:

  6. Katie says:

    Maybe he did. Anyone who reads the Koran finds it to be the lunatic ramblings of an adolescent male.

  7. Darin says:

    Remember,Islam is not a religion,it’s an insidious political system.

    • Ronbo says:

      Actually it’s a combination religion/political system like Marxism, which is one reason why the two totalitarians forces are allies.

      The big problem for Western Civilization is how to crush all types collectivism and retain liberty, because to wipe this filth off the planet would involve many wars, mega deaths and massive oppression.

      A man believes what he will believe and no one outside can change his belief system…only the individual can do that for himself.

      So I’m afraid mankind is doomed to endless conflict because it seems no sooner is one collectivist branch destroyed or made harmless, than a new one rises to replace it.

      Still, I can’t help but dream of one big K.O. to the dark forces of the world. :mrgreen:

      • Kris K says:

        Don’t worry, brother, it’s a comin’. The Commander in Chief [of the universe] isn’t far off a major [and unprecedented] global intervention. My estimate? Seven plus a handful of years.

  8. Sir Scumsucker says:

    Here is the first written record of the ‘Rasul’ -messanger Mohammed. It is on an Arab-Persian (Sassanian) coin struck 56 years after Mohammed’s ‘death’:


  9. I’m pretty sure Robert Spencer has a new book out along the same subject. Something to keep in mind for the collection.

  10. WAKE UP says:

    Kick ’em in the Koran, that’s where it hurts :razz:

    • Ronbo says:

      This is why we in the West World should have an International “Burn The KORAN Day” and upload the hours of video on the Internet. :mrgreen:

      It would drive the Muzbots INSANE! :mrgreen: because they would be IMPOTENT to stop the massive display of disrespect.

  11. Son of Liberty says:

    islam/mohammadism, to me is likely the false prophet mentioned in the book of Revelations.

    Thats just Me. YMMV

    • Kris K says:

      I’m with you, SoL. I believe the Islamic Mahdi and the biblical Antichrist [first beast of Revelation] will likely be one and the same individual. Obama is certainly one possibility on several counts.

      We certainly live in the times of the signs.