open house

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16 Responses to open house

  1. Katie says:

    I really don’t give a damn about that Paki doctor. We have enough Paki doctors here and don’t need any more.

    And if you don’t like my rant, too bad.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Really, Katie? The dude helped confirm for US forces where Public Enemy #1 was located and His Imperial Majesty threw him under a bus. Sure, mebbe you don’t resettle him in the US but I reckon he deserved better from the Most Powerful Nation on Earth.

      • Darin says:

        There are a fair number of people living in countries like Pakistan who don’t give a rats ass about Islam or Mohamud they just want to end the madness and live their lives.I am a firm believer in helping those who stick their necks out to help us and I don’t give two bits about what god they bow to.

        The worst is,besides the bad PR this gives us is what does it say to all the rest who would help us?It says stick your neck out for the Americans and get f—ed.

        And there is a long history of us doing it too,especially in the ME.We are better than that and if we keep stabbing people in the back,then we get what we deserve.I’m Red,White and Blue through and through don’t get me wrong,but this just isn’t right.

      • Katie says:

        Where do you think he will go? And guess where he will work. There isn’t a non-Muslim doctor in the VA.

        • KG says:

          None of that matters Katie.
          Either we protect those who help us or we become known as dishonourable and unreliable allies.
          Principles have damn all to do with individual cases–either you have them or you don’t.

          • Katie says:

            We could hand him the $50 million for the capture of bin Laden and they can go any where else they want. Arabia is nice this time of the year.

            • KG says:

              You need to read Sun Tzu.

              • Katie says:

                I have. I also read Machiavelli. Sun Tzu teaches us not to throw our allies under the bus. Machiavelli teaches us to throw anyone who come in our way under the bus.

                We need to follow Sun Tzu to free this man, but Machiavelli to pay him off and sent away.

                Why bring him to the US? It is not just the man, but his wives, children, brothers, their wives and children, etc… Hundreds of people. Next it will be the whole damn tribe.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    So, if His Imperial Majesty had a son, he wouldda looked like the kid being driven around town by his own dedicated man-servant?

    Oh wait those kids are Asian, my mistake. I musta thought His Imperial Majesty was wearing his Indonesian skin that day.

  3. KG says:

    Yaaay! :whoop “Carnage and Culture” by Victor Davis Hanson just arrived in the mail.

  4. mara says:

    Yaaaay. I just got “Anything Goes” …… ” The death of honesty” by Theodore Dalyrumple. Consider swapping when read? I’m kinda being serious if anyone’s interested. Books are bloody expensive even via Amazon, and there’s some good stuff out there. otoh the best ones are good keepers for reference.

    • KG says:

      That’s a good idea, Mara. I have a few keepers, but certainly I’d be happy to swap some books. (although my reading list may be a bit bizarre for your elevated tastes. ;-) )

  5. mara says:

    How bizzare? :shock: Heh , my tastes have been known to plunge to extraordinary , subterranian depths. Or so I’m told. :roll:

  6. jonno1 says:

    What’s the difference between a bed wetter and a climate scientist?

    A bed wetter wees alone.