‘A police officer who was shot at yesterday is receiving counselling.’
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COUNSELLING ! Should’ve shot back twice . Maybe it did’nt receive pistol first.
From a comment on fighting british wars in the Blackadder series- “the prerequisite for any battle was that the enemy should under no circumstances carry guns”.
Probably includes pointed sticks in NZ…
Professional counselling embeds trauma; it does not relieve it. Rather it has become a huge money-spinning industry that has conned and rorted at least a couple of generations into believing that hard times cannot be borne and survived without state intervention. Why would an arm of Govt. ie the Police, have escaped this dogma? I expect that cops today are directed to comply and no longer sensibly resist as older generations would sensibly have done.
“Professional counselling embeds trauma; it does not relieve it”
And when I see some new psych graduate presuming to counsel adult trauma victims my impulse is to give ’em a clout around the ear and suggest they go and get some real miles under their belt first.
A lot of the time, the rush to “counsel” schoolkids (for example) who have lost one of their number in a road accident merely feeds the unseemly and unhealthy Dianafication of grief. Yellow fucking balloons and teddy bears left at the site and everybody telling one another how awful it all is while a little part of them enjoys the drama and attention. :rant
Grief is an industry now,just like Race and Victim hood.I call them Parachute counselors,they can jump into anything and make it worse all a $70k+year.
It’s a valid point, not to make light of the incident, but one hears it all the time. Whatever happens, someone is getting counseling for it. Even at work, when the big cheese calls a meeting and tells everyone some of you did the wrong thing, some will get fired over it. Counselors are standing by.
Heavens above, what next, I went for a walk and got a bit of rain on me, I need to talk to someone and share my feelings!
Stub your toe, no need to call 1300-sook, say ‘sonofabitch’ and move the @#$% on.
Agreed – so-called counselling is simply a pc skidmark and cynical bureaucratic leg-pull.
Those whose budget pays for this “service” are not interested in the traumatee’s welfare, but only in protecting shiny arsed apparatchiks from potential legal problems, PTSD blow-outs and civil suit claims. They want to be able to claim “We did everything possible. We offered the victim counselling”.
Seriously, that’s as far as it goes.
Thats it in a nutshell!
Had counselling after the court cases had finished concerning my daughter’s gang rape.The so called counseller was fresh out of Uni and thought she knew all.Well, let me tell you she knew FUCK ALL. She tried to get me to imagine Skaf sitting in a chair in the room and asked me what I would say to him. I told her that I was a bit too old to be playing stupid games but she insisted , so I told her that I wasn’t going to do it because he wasn’t there ( told her that if Skaf was in the same room as me then he would be dead by my hand , now that terrorfied her ) and she really couldn’t grasp wtf I was on about.I politely asked if she knew anyone that had been raped.She replied ‘no’.I then asked her how the hell would she know anything about councelling rape.She went on about her Uni course.So to cut a long story short these ‘counsellers’ are just degree mad fuckheads without a clue ( they really believe a piece of paper makes you intelligent ).She was also the one that got me onto anti-depressents and what a BIG mistake that was….for the record do NOT take that shit as they have a tendancy to make you want to commit suicide .
My daughter has even more horror stories from so called halfwit councellers and they are worse than my experience.
I feel for you, D.T. having to deal with those clowns and incompetents. There are few things worse than an earnest young person with a head full of academic shit believing they know how the world works and what makes people tick.
Seriously, I think they need and deserve some real, personal physical pain inflicted on them to wake them the hell up. They make me sick. And they do a lot of damage.
Well said, Dt. I definitely agree about the antidepressants. I had a close relative put on them. Prior to going on them, they had some issues but nothing too drastic (certainly nothing like you’ve described). Since being on them, my relative has attempted suicide multiple times (the doctors only answer is to increase the dose), has had no enthusiasm for aything and as a result put on a lot of weight. Needless to say we’ve told the doctors to shove it and we are now working with my relative to get them free of the poison and back into a normal life. They’re fucking eeeeevvvviiiiiilllll things and to be avoided for all but the most severe of mental illnesses.
Years of dealing with depression and PTSD have taught me that the only thing that works..is work. Get busy. Do stuff. Learn new things. Avoid drugs like the plague because they only make things worse.
Maybe that’s overly simplistic, but it generally works for me and it’s worked for a lot of other people too. But then, there’s no “careers” to be built on simple solutions….
Agreed. Hard work gives a sense of pride and achievement. Mix it with exercise to get the endorphins going and there’s no stopping most people! That’s my prescription, anyway.
“So, tell me what happened.”
“Well now, that’s terrible. Here’s what you need to do. Take $2 to the vending machine in the lobby and buy yourself a can of Harden The Fuck Up. If you want a cuddle, you should maybe buy a dog.”