‘OIA EXCLUSIVE: Minutes confirm bias of Constitutional Advisory Panel’
This is nothing more than a pack of wolves deciding how to share around the sheep….and you’re not invited to the party.
John Ansell has the details. If you love and care for your country, take a few minutes to visit the link!
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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NWO!!!!! :rant
New World Order. Basically the Bilderberger group, the Rothschilds and various other shadowy “bamksters” but of course the Clintons are also big players. A New World Order featuring a global, One World Government managed under the auspices of the UN.
Alex Jones (the journo from your “shoot down the drones” post the other day – which I liked and agree with by the way) is very big on the NWO.
If you’re up for it, the book “Tragedy and Hope” by Carroll Quigley is basically their bible. It’s 1100 pages and available free online.
Dont forget a global currency gantt:) We are the target ra ce they want to destroy, thats why multicuturalism is being pushed here but not in china!!
Sorry I spend to much time watching conspiracy TV…
There are elements of it that are very, very compelling for those of us with our eyes open. But as Trevor Loudon says in the linked article, I suspect much of their “evil empire – ness” is blown up and used as a distraction by other, more powerful nefarious elements (Russia and China, for example).
The push for global governance and a program of eugenics against WASPs is, for example, something plainly obvious to anyone with eyes.
The fact that our govt chooses migrants from Asia first is clear for all to see??
Duh! I’m sure my brain has gone into hibernation, Gantt. Thanks for that.