he’d be welcomed with open arms by the Gillard government.
‘SHATTERED DREAMS: Police recruit denied entry over daughter’s autism’
I know somebody else in the same position who would be a great asset to Australia. It’s a fucking tragedy and and a scandal that Australia is turning way fine potential immigrants on the flimsiest of grounds, while assholes who throw away their documentation and enter illegally are allowed to stay. Perhaps, if potential health costs are the real reason, as this illegitimate government claims, they might instead look at the third-world diseases being brought here by illegal goddamn immigrants and the massive welfare bill they land the Aussie taxpayer with. The Gillard Gang make me want to vomit.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Oh this kind of stuff pisses me off no end.It’s slowly,but surely trickling out how much illegal aliens,drug addicts and gang bangers cost the US taxpayer and I suspect the same is true everywhere else in the western world.
A lot of folk who have departed NZ give those remaining behind quite a bit of grief for staying- implying they must be stupid or socialist (but then I repeat myself) for staying.
Not so.
Some of us can’t leave for reasons like you have stated.
I don’t blame Australia for not wanting us. I just wish they would apply the same standard to EVERYONE!
“I don’t blame Australia for not wanting us”
I do, and I feel very bitter about it. Fine people are being denied entry for reasons which are easily addressed, and at a fraction of the cost of welfare, crime and interpreter services for third-world ignoramuses who simply waltz through the back door. And who will NEVER become Australians.
Take a look at what Andrew Bolt has to say about this–especially the comments.
Can anyone spot the missing M word in this story from the BBC?
It should be easy as several of the alleged ‘groomers’ are called Mohammed.
You’re drawing a long bow there, you racist!
But seriously, how many of these (now so frequent) grooming cases feature Defendants with names like “John Smith” or “Alan Brown”?
(Answer: None)
Immigration Minister has now overruled his dept and let him in.
A victory for commonsense, Lester. A rare and wonderful thing nowadays. :cheers