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This, from an email just in:
‘James Rawles of Survival Blog is advising his readers to draw down all bank accounts and warns of the catastrophic effects of a Bank holiday.
The current liquidity crisis on the southern periphery of the Eurozone now appears likely to spread to all of Europe, and then globally. There are already quiet electronic bank runs in progress in Greece and Spain. On Monday, a bank “holiday” was announced in Italy. More bank runs will likely follow. As of today, Wednesday, June 13, 2012, I strongly urge all SurvivalBlog readers to immediately draw down their checking accounts and liquidate their CDs, passbook savings accounts, and most of the their stocks to buy tangibles… [snip] ‘
The Fractional reserve banking system is a fraud! The Financial elite that run it are creating this “crisis”, That will usher in one world governent and a global currency backed by gold.
This currency will not be run by a central/reserve bank but by the private banking system!
Mass immigration will mean people will turn on each other and not see who our common enemy is!!
Check the argument on this page. The beautiful Michelle Malkin really dishes it out to that contemptible commie Juan Williams.
Michelle says- “modern journalists are just apologists for the corruptocracy”.
Damn good phrase.
And dead accurate, RB. Good to see you, btw.
Some of the comments from progressives under that article are hilarious, RB! The clowns will tell you 2+2 = 5 and Holder isn’t misleading Congress over Fast & Furious if it means they can justify pulling the lever for His Imperial Majesty.
FWIW I agree with Sean. His Imperial Majesty will cut Holder loose before the election to try and bury Fast & Furious. He may even pin the leaks on Holder. And if he does it quick, and Holder is charged quickly by a friendly ASA, His Imperial Majesty will have time to issue a Pardon on his way out the door.
No more Mr. Nice Guy from the Repubs?
60 second ad from American Crossroads:
It’s a good strategy to let the proxies unleash the Hounds of Hell. That way they can go dirty and Romney is distanced from it. He gets to spend more time talking about his vision for America (assuming he has one) and looking Presidential. As opposed to Barry, who spends his time palling around with terrorists and Hollywood, and flinging poo at people who fling money right back.
Cold Fury
‘My GOD, the balls on this douchebag.
President Obama subtly attacked Mitt Romney for being wealthy, suggesting that he hasn’t “spent time in the real world” and so has not received the necessary preparation to occupy the White House.
“Those of us who have spent time in the real world understand that the problem is not that the American people aren’t productive enough,” Obama said during a fundraiser today, after saying that Romney believes that America “automatically” prospers when the wealthy profit.
The “real world.” No, really he seems to have actually said it, and with a straight face, too. This, from a community-organizing campus radical who’s never held an honest job in his life. Wow. Tell me, is it racist to hate his filthy guts simply because he’s nothing more than a dick with ears–a smarmy, officious prick whose condescending lectures grate on the ears like running a rusty rasp over an infected wound? ‘
What is wrong with being rich? I don’t know anyone who would willingly be poor.
I think Barack, Michelle and the kids should have to live in poverty for the next 10 years then come back and complain about being rich.
And don’t forget that once he gets evicted from that lovely big house he won’t be living in penury. They have a fortune estimated at $10 Million. As Steyn said the other day, they hobnob with Hollywood to get a taste of ‘real’ America from actors like George Clooney and SJP, who know ‘real’ America because they’ve played ‘real’ Americans in their movies. The closest His Imperial Majesty ever gets to ‘real’ America is when he flies over it in Air Force 1!
I hope Obama goes the way of England’s traitor-king Charles I…
I know it won’t happen, but I can dream, can’t I?
I want the privilege of carrying out the deed. I have no experience, a dull axe and promise to be stinking drunk.
KG….reminds me of the proverb “Money may not buy happiness but neither can poverty”
“Tell me, is it racist to hate his filthy guts simply because he’s nothing more than a dick with ears–a smarmy, officious prick whose condescending lectures grate on the ears like running a rusty rasp over an infected wound? ”
Nail,meet Hammer.
Yrs trly beseeches the bog administraitor NOT to delete this important post sent via electronic transmission from my new job@Berry’sWhiteHouse:
Yrs trly of late has been viewing movies* and recommends to our fired up friends in our 36th and 37th steaks the following calming movies – Green Zone/Matt Damon. Any Jason Bourne movie. 3:10 to Yuma and naturally The Outlaw Josie Wales/Clint Eastwood. Also 49th Parallel a 1941 WWII movie ain’t bad either.
These “fliques” should settle your nerves temporarily.
tata Yrs Trly, HarvardPotatoHead and classmate of Berry@Harvard.
*movies – images that actually move on-screen to seem as if they are real. Quite an invention. Do you have them down there? I must ask Berry if he has scene them whenever he is taking a break from campaigning, golf and bullshitting.
KartoffelKopf, we never delete your comments! You’re our mole inside the Administration, after all.
Here’s a brave man:
‘A TOP health official says taking pure ecstasy can be safe when consumed responsibly by adults, despite warnings by police about the dangers of the street drug after a rash of deaths…’
he goes on to say that pure MDMA could be sold by licensed outlets. I saw an interview with a prof. of pharmacology years ago, who said that as a recreational drug the pure substance was remarkably safe.
A superb day here: 24c (forecast to reach 28), not a cloud in the sky and a steady breeze.
Fine day here in the Eurozone – sun, no wind, no humidity and no sign of a financial crisis if one counts the mini QE 2’s posing as ‘yachts’. mawm in Cannes.
The crisis is only hammering the little people, Mawm. Bankers and assorted leeches are doing just fine.
Gawd, I’m beginning to sound like a socialist!
the issue KG is that the bankers have become the socialists, and now get the govt to socialise their loses, while they get to continue to privatise the profits, and all for a pittance… in some cases for as little as a $3k donation bankers can get retrospective legislation pushed through to allow them to side step their obligations/ mistakes.
A buddy of mine says “that it’s not the fact that Politicians can be bought that’s the problem-it’s that they can be bought so cheap! :rant
Well, it’s bloody cold in Auckland.
BTW, I’m here, but lying somewhat low with ill-health at present. Best wishes to y’all
ps: what’s happened to the emoticons (popcorn etc)
A good question – I’ll look into it
Um…I installed the latest WP update, Andrei and it disappeared ’em.
Yes I just figured you had done that – sent you an Email about it.
Should be easy fixed .
Hope you feel better soon, Wakey.
I see National must be getting ready to introduce legislation to destroy marriage. The proxies are ramping up their propaganda. The kitty killer, with his daily load of tripe, but this time with supporting drivel from Cactus Kate and (the normally very sound) Lindsay Mitchell.
Watch for legislation to be introduced in short order.
The kitty killer sees himself as another Farrar, with the occasional column in the Herald (fame in a toothglass) Cactus is a dribbling clown and Lindsay ought to have more bloody sense.
Yeah I know. Lindsay’s is the only one of those blogs I visit regularly any more. I just cant be arsed with the bs. I just noticed the pattern and thught it interesting. When Farrar publishes his post on the topic we’ll know his master the Double Dipping Dipshit from Dipton is about to table the legislation.
Cactus and the kitty killer show that they have a lot of growing up to do before they start commenting on social issues – since she recently declared herself apolitical, she has written the biggest load of bullshit.
Cactus is an ugly bitch who lusts for power and attention to make up for what a moo she is!!Apparently i am a wife beating drunk because I am a tradesman??
No disrespect to not so pretty people:)
That’s a relief!
Ok done :whoop :cheers
Yaaaay!! Many thanks Andrei. :whoop
check the numbers for Washington DC and Californicate…..
(thanks, Darin)
There are three private members bills relating to unnatural marriage waiting for one to be drawn as we speak.
The scheme is in hand and well underway to force this perversity upon us.
So if the bills already exist, all that needs to happen is for the government to adopt one as its own and they don’t need to wait for it to be drawn from the ballot.
National will never do that – it would show them to be the lefty progressives they really are.
No – they will use a private members bill, Conscience votes and MMP to provide cover for introducing allowing this travesty to occur on their watch. :rant
Survival techniques or just being cheap-Lost art of Old School cut Shotgun shells-
Improvised Slug loads-
Its like our armed forces darin, We have a maxim still in use
hmmm…I notice none of those are loaded into a magnum shell…
Humm…the 1-1/2 ounce fishing weight should be doable..I’ll stand over here while YOU try it :whoop
I know this isn’t RB’s site but he seems to have abandoned TB for a while. Anyway, RB, sometimes I wish you wouldn’t abuse the muppets over at KB quite as hard as you do. I often think that you would win a lot more hearts and minds using a solid argument rather than just telling them what you really think. To be fair, I can see that arguing with them seems futile at times but I suspect you’ll convince lurkers like me who don’t normally comment. And I’m not questioning your motives, I have more in common with Crusader Rabbit and TB than any other blog I’ve seen, I just think there might be a better way to get your message across.
An example of this is me, I found you lot linked from KB when RB used to put actual arguments and I’ve followed you here. I used to think you were quite “out there”, when I first read your comments RB, where as now I question everything I read in the LSM… Thanks to you lot.
As an aside, when you listen to the likes of Susan Woods on ZB (God, she’s awful) and you just wanna tell her to STFU, does it mean you’ve been reading CR and Trueblue for too long????
I think it does… LOL
G’day Dunno–and welcome. I miss TrueBlue too.
Cheers. I’ve been lurking here for a few years now, probably…
Then you’re well aware of what a pack of violent, racist, intolerant people you’re dealing with here.
Unfortunately, (or otherwise ) I think I’ve become one KG…
Welcome to the Dark Side, friend! I also used to wonder why RB didn’t “tone it down” a little on KB and engage in a little more “nation building” and a little less “scorched earth”. But now I get it. It’s like in the Middle East. Nation building has been a complete failure there. Compared to WWII, where the goal was clear: beat those bastards, and make sure they stay beat.
“Reaching across the aisle”, compromising, with the Left only means one thing: they advance their agenda and we capitulate on ours. That’s why rather than a Reagan Conservative, the past 3 Republican Presidents (and at least the next 1) have been RINOs. Compromise, compromise, compromise. And it’s even worse in NZ, where there has been a century-long love affair with socialism. The only way to beat those who pretend to be “centre-right” when what they really are is soft, wet, leftist liberals is to show them some tough love. They’ll either see the error of their ways (like I did, thanks in large part to folks like Red and KG) or they will come out of the closet as Progressive, Utopian Statists (as Farrar and Slater have).
You read TB, so you know RB uses a completely different tone and tactic there than on KB.
Anyways, there’s a day coming when people will have to choose. Either continue on the current path and end up broke, broken and subject to the whim of the ruling Corporate IWI, or fight back. Declare allegiance either to tyranny and misery, or to freedom and individual liberty … and yes, the choice *is* that stark, and that easy.
That’s my $0.02, for what it’s worth.
What Gantt said. Absolutely.
I fit neatly into this frame too. But I have to say I have routinely found James Rawles to be a paranoid git who is in all likelihood fearful of his mother.
James Rawles?
Survival blog.
Thanks. I should have remembered.
Y’all seen what is on the Pentagon’s agenda for today: Using the military to advance “social” agendas and forgetting what it is really for
Sheesh!! They never give up, do they?
O really meant it when he said they were going to “fundamentally transform America”.
!!!OOOMMMGGGNOSHITOSKY!!!Uwon’t believe the fundamental transformation of the crappers in Berry’sWhiteHouse they have taken out the urinals and now men have to sit down to piss so that means no more whizzin’ in the Rose Garden which the staff told me Berry uses frequently NO wonder the roses are dead!!!OOOMMMGGG!!!! OOPPSSgot a beep tata yrs trly HarvardpotatoHead@Berry’sWhiteHouse
Britain: ‘Powers to allow the police and security services to monitor every email, phone call and website visit will be unveiled this week’
“The reason this is wrong is that, in a liberal democracy, we assume that people are innocent until proven guilty; we assume that the Government has no place digging around in their lives unless they have specific reason to believe otherwise. Totalitarian countries start from the opposite assumption: that people’s lives are government business…”
Tom Chivers
Are we worried yet?
Neil Farage telling the Europarliament what their plans are worth once again… this guy is about the only decent politician in all of Europe
And a very angry one, Mort. :popcorn
Did you see this one?
I did, thanks Kowtow. His was the finest intellect in Brit politics at the time and it’s good to see him finally (albeit incrementally and grudgingly) rehabilitated.
More good news just in from the USA: Obama announces new partial amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants by granting work permits to those under 30 years old.
He (Obama) said the directive would “mend our nation’s immigration policy to make it more fair, more efficient and more just”.
“These are young people who study in our schools, play in our neighbourhoods, are friends with our kids and pledge allegiance to our flag,” said Mr Obama. “They are Americans in their heart, in their minds, in every single way but one: on paper.”
Janet Napolitano, Mr Obama’s homeland security secretary, said laws on deportations should not be “blindly enforced” on “productive young people” who were in the US “through no fault of their own”.
Obama added “This is the right thing to do”.
For the national interest of course, yeah right. Seriously our America friends MUST get rid of the Pretenda in Novemba.
Same shit here in Australia–these people are determined to destroy the white Anglo heritage of our countries:
‘THE Immigration Department has been accused of running a “marketing department” for people smugglers after publishing an online guide to asylum-seeker processing and fact sheets detailing free legal assistance available to arrivals.’
Richard Fernandez: ‘The Styrofoam Pillars Collapse’
This just in from the esteemed Patricia:
‘Some of you will recall that on July 8, 1947, a little more than 64 years ago, numerous witnesses claim that an Unidentified Flying
object, (UFO),with five aliens aboard, crashed onto a sheep and mule ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico.
This is a well known incident that many say has long been covered-up by the U.S. Air Force,as well as other Federal Agencies
and Organizations.
However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of April, year 1948,nine months after the historic day,
the following people were born:
Barrack Obama Sr.
Albert A. Gore, Jr.
Hillary Rodham
William J. Clinton
John F. Kerry
Howard Dean
Nancy Pelosi
Dianne Feinstein
Charles E. Schumer
Barbara Boxer
Joe Biden
This is the consequence of aliens breeding with sheep and jack-asses.
I truly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things for you.
It certainly did for me.
And now you can stop wondering why they support the bill to help all Illegals’
Perhaps not so strange …
The Bible certainly hints at hybrid alien [fallen angel] and human beings which will lead human government in the end days …
Kris, Is that in scripture? Because that is scary and well im wondering about the pyramids and shape shifting Aliens?
Anyway the current Political elite are Satanic and demonic!!
Yep, sure is in scripture; Daniel 2:43 above is key.
Of course these hybrids won’t actually be aliens, but I believe they will claim to be. And these same pre-flood hybrids [the giants in Genesis 6:4] were not only large but were extremely evil creatures and went on to pollute much of the human gene pool; hence God’s bringing about Noah’s flood.
Another verse which sheds light on these end time hybrid world leaders, especially the Antichrist:
It is my conjecture that the Antichrist will quite literally be the son of Satan. I believe he will be a human-fallen angel hybrid; Satan his father and a human woman his mother. Whether the woman will also be a virgin and hence the Antichrist will also claim ‘divine parentage’ remains to be seen. We certainly know he will claim to be Christ.
I must do a detailed account on this topic over on my blog some time. Will keep you posted.
Thanks Kris
This is such an interesting topic…
A how to guide for illegal immigration … how helpful, diverse, multicultural, progressive, “going foreward” and civilized. One has to be seen to be “going foreward.”
How backward of me then to suggest that the government has civilized itself into utter incompetence and increasing irrelevancy. I mustn’t have been paying attention. Will try harder.
Are We in Revolutionary Times?
By Victor Davis Hanson
Mark Steyn:
An Italian American man lived in New Jersey with a big back yard and thought it would be nice to grow tomatoes in it.
But he had a bad back and was not able to dig it up to prepare it for the plants.
He wrote to his son in the Federal Penitentiary about how sad he was that he couldn’t use his back yard to grow tomatoes.
His son wrote back
The next day the FBI and local police turned up a dug up the back yard looking for the bodies but found none.
The father wrote back to his son
Banning Bibles in Canadian schools now
The Bible is subversive literature and makes schools unsafe and inequitable?
Apparently so.
“…safe, equitable and inclusive environments for all students”
Really? Then why are the teacher’s unions supporting the paedophiles (and there appears to be a lot of them) in their ranks?
Finally – Karma for Whaleoil. :popcorn
No wonder Cam Slater’s got such a low opinion of marriage – he cheated on his own wife.
Yeah–it obviously means very little to him. Promoting queer marriage may be a way of justifying his own lack of ethics.
That was obviously Judge Harvey’s revenge against Slater. Harvey heard the prosecution against Slater last year(?) when he was campaigning about suppression orders, and IIRC Slater was pretty uncomplimentary about Harvey’s grasp of the Internet and the modern, connected world. FWIW, Harvey is about the only Judge who *does* understand those things.
Yes – when I read that story I could see the the Slater angle was entirely peripheral to the matter at hand, which was just silly women being exceptionally silly anyway but somehow or other the the said bloggers name was written into the judgement and the NZ Herald, spoofed as the “Horrid” by the aforesaid blogger grabbed it with glee.
Payback’s a bitch sometimes
Gantt – I was unaware of that connection. It gets better and better.
Just took a peek – not a word on Cam’s site. Zip.
They don’t like it up ’em!
I should feel bad for him, but I’m sitting here with a grin from ear to ear. I feel really bad for his family, but he’s asked for this himself.
Sorry, I’ll leave it at that. He’s a big fish in a small pond, and I try to stay away from his site.