White European heterosexual? You’re screwed.

‘ACCUSED murderers and rapists would be allowed out of jail while awaiting trial, under an overhaul of NSW bail laws.
….The report, by Hal Sperling QC, recommends dumping the approach in favour of a “presumption in favour of release” for all offences.
It also advocates “young people, people with a cognitive or mental health impairment and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders” should get special consideration – and when bail was granted “any special vulnerability or need of the person “must” be taken into account.
These vulnerabilities or needs might include “having a disability, illness, or being old and frail; being from a cultural or religious minority; having a non-English speaking background; or being a person who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex”. ‘

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18 Responses to White European heterosexual? You’re screwed.

  1. kowtow says:

    I thought the current government there was “conservative”? Hopefully this gets filed in the rubbish bin where it belongs.

    Canadas’ criminal code specifically calls on judges to take into account when sentencing whether the crim is a native Indian!! Justice is meant to be blind, unless you live in a “progressive” era.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    They must have been looking across the ditch, where giving bail to all sorts of miscreants deviants rapists and murderers has worked so effectively. After all, the presumption must be in favour of release.

    Which would be fine, if the citizenry were allowed to arm and defend themselves from these animals released into the community.

    Once, just once, were it one of these “Judge’s” wives, daughters, mothers or sisters raped and murdered by one of the scum to whom they give a “presumption of release” the story would change bloody quickly.

  3. KG says:

    Here in Oz, Gantt, I read the “young people” in conjunction with “cultural or religous minority” to mean that Somali and Lebanese gang members will be automatically released. In order to terrorise victims and witnesses, naturally, since they have a history of doing that. :evil:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Oh no no no KG, you clearly are insensitive to their cultural background. They don’t “terrorise”, they merely visit upon the witnesses and victims in order to ensure they have their story accurate come the trial. :twisted:

  4. KG says:

    Of course….now I see the error of my insensitive white colonialist ways. mea culpa. :oops:

  5. Andrei says:

    You have got to love a trier – here is a “judo” response to Ontario’s program to introduce homosexual propaganda anti-bullying programs into all schools.


  6. KG says:

    Nice. :grin: He’s not exactly a compelling speaker, but it’s great to see their own weapons turned against them.

  7. octagongrappler says:

    People need to understand the Traitors in Govt and the Media work for the same overlords that want to wipe out WASP!! We are coming under constant attack from a daily basis and we need to wake up and expose those who wish to destroy us!!

    Liberal/Labor or Rep/Dem and Nat/Lab is all the same stuff, Anyone who exposes the truth will get called a loon in the media and wont get funding for a Political run!!

    The Fact that the media and Pollies ignore the fact that boys are way behind girls in education, yet harp on about not enough women in trades. just as many men die of prostate cancer than women do of breast cancer, but very little attention.

    Also 75% of suicides are male, Yet all parties have womens policies but none for Men??

    Both parties committed to cultural genocide through a pro 3rd world migration policy!!!Both Parties want to bail out corrupt bankers and keep the housing bubble going!!!Privatise profits and social losses!!!

    Sorry im hot at the MO!!! :twisted: :twisted:

    • KG says:

      No need to apologise, Grappler. Ranting is just fine, especially about this stuff.
      The fact is, the entire political/bureaucratic spectrum is the enemy and ought to be treated as such.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      “Liberal/Labor or Rep/Dem and Nat/Lab is all the same stuff, Anyone who exposes the truth will get called a loon”

      Dead right. I have a friend who was a policy chair in the National Party. He was forced out of office because (a) he disagreed with the policy direction from the National Executive, and (b) he refused to bow down a lick Mr 22%’s shoes at the national convention.

      Political parties, whether they’re red with a green cardigan, red with a pink cardigan or red with a blue cardigan, want one thing: to keep the party going. They might pretend to fight in public so the sheeple have the illusion of differentiation, but underneath they are merely The Party.

  8. KG says:

    “..but underneath they are merely The Party.”
    Damn straight!

  9. St Hubbins says:

    Don’t call it racism or apartheid though!

  10. KG says:

    NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Hell no. It’s caring and sensible and um…you know..progressive.

  11. The Gantt Guy says:

    While we’re on this (icky) topic, WTF is “intersex”?

  12. KG says:

    Sex during the interval?

  13. octagongrappler says:

    Yeah what is “intersex” :shock:

    What about pre-op and post-op??Does that have an effect on bail conditions :mrgreen:

  14. Flashman says:

    I thought Australia was staunchly anti-Apartheid.

    Silly me.