‘A BOSNIAN court has convicted four former elite soldiers of crimes against humanity for their part in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre and handed down sentences of up to 43 years.’
I have no problem with them being tried, convicted and sentenced for the atrocities, but it seems to be something of a one-sided process.
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Rant begins
The fucking EU wanted to dismember Yugoslavia, they did not want a strong independent nation in the heart of the Balkans, they needed fragmented little statelets they could absorb and rule over more easily
Slobodan Milošević tried to hold it together and for trying to hold his Nation, Yugoslavia, together he ended up tried for war crimes.
Not far from Srebrenica is Jasenovac a WW2 death camp, a death camp not for Jews but for Serbs, run by Croatian and Bosniaks where 100,000s Serbs were murdered.
Anyone with half a brain would know dismembering Yugoslavia would open old wounds a bring real fear to significant proportions of the population and that stirring the ethnic pot to break the country up would lead to real horrors but it was done.
Nato bombed the crap out of what was left, William Jefferson Clinton supplying the bombers and cruise missiles, and Yugoslavia was no more.
William Jefferson Clinton did not find himself before a war crimes tribunal for the blood he spilled to advance the EU’s agenda.
Rant ends
A song
Thanks, Andrei.
I think they got away with it because the whole thing was far too complex to fit into a 60-second news bite, and therefore too complex for the public to either be interested in or follow.
They got away with it because Russia was weak at that time – even then it nearly came to blows with the Russians.
I figure Milošević was only doing what he had to to deal with the Muslims who were the group that instigated the whole mess.Our involvement was meant to appease them and nothing more.It’s the same strategy Clinton and Mad Madeleine Albright used with N Korea,give them whatever they want so they will like us.Damn despicable mess if you ask me. :gunner