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This might be really really smart, delay the inevitable until it blows up as a major scandal right in the middle of a heated election campaign.
It might. But I’m highly sceptical, Andrei, given the record of Republicans so far with this kind of thing. I smell a backroom deal…..especially since Holder wouldn’t want it to blow up closer to the elections and he could avoid that by simply complying with the subpoena right now.
Sadly, I have to agree with you, because the GOP (God’s Own Party) is not as yet under new management…YET! It will take a couple of election cycles for the TPM (Tea Party Movement) to purge the cowardly “Elite Country Club Blue Bloods” from the ranks.
Indeed, a lean and mean Republican Party would have impeached, removed from office and sent to the gallows Mr. Magic Negro about two years ago.
Like the Chinese say, “If your enemy is angry – make him more angry.”
Nice post, Ronbo.
I’m not so sure Issa and Grassley aren’t playing the long game here. Boehner and the Repubican leadership are lukewarm at best about voting on a contempt motion, so a small delay gives them time to corral the recalcitrants.
As for Holder, I suspect he firmly believes he’s so much smarter than the congress he can bullshit and bluster his way through.
And the longer it goes before he’s charged, the less chance there is he will receive a pardon on His Imperial Majesty’s exit.
“And the longer it goes before he’s charged, the less chance there is he will receive a pardon on His Imperial Majesty’s exit.”
True. But I still doubt very much it will happen. At the end of the day, Holder is “one of them”. And they look after their own.
I’m gonna wait and see,yesterdays end run around congress on
immigrationde facto amnesty isn’t going to go over well I don’t believe.