‘How love of Billy the stray cat has finally brought four-year-old autistic boy out of his shell’
Wabbit is a great believer in the healing power of pets.
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KG – sorry this is OT, but I thought I’d get it in before other comments on the post: today’s Sunday Star-Times paper has an interview with Joris de Bres that says he’s about to retire from the Race Relations Office. :cheers
OT is always welcome, Wakey. :popcorn
What’s the betting that slimy bastard de Bres ends up in a nice, comfy, well-paid leech-hole somewhere? It’s never worked for a living in it’s life. :censor :censor
The other aspect. Is that the position will be replaced. Likely with someone at least as extreme as de Bres.
it’ll be Key’s great opportunity to scrap a useless drain on the taxpayer–which means he won’t.
Really? Cool. Hope they disband it.
Today is getting better and better, and I can say that after surviving a -4C frost this morning:
other OT news – http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10813552
Karma for lying, cheating Whaleoil. :popcorn
Poor wife and kids – if he’d kept a low profile, this wouldn’t have made the news. (hey, if he’d kept his vows, it also wouldn’t have made the news)
Now the country knows. Bastard.
“hey, if he’d kept his vows, it also wouldn’t have made the news”
Exactly. Although my beloved did observe that, looking at whale, it says more about the Other Woman’s lacks of taste than anything else.
-4C??????????????????? Where are you, Outer Mongolia?
It was 8C here this morning and we had the heaters on, a fan heater going in the bathroom and still we felt cold.
worse – Christchurch.
If I live in Mongolia, our houses (yurts) would be warm and centrally heated…
Here I’m made to feel bad for heating our
fridgehouse with a woodburner… :censor