Francis Porretto:
‘..By openly refusing to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed” (Article II, Section 3), Obama has declared that he will no longer perform the duties of president of the United States. More, he has arrogated to himself a lawmaking power never granted to the president. He is in violation of his oath of office, and no longer has any claim to the powers of the presidency.
…The law is now what a single man decrees it to be, when and as he deems it fitting to decree it. But when a man’s whims determine what is and what is not lawful, there is no law as law has been understood since the earliest inception of jurisprudence. Force, not law, is now the standard. The United States of America has become lawless.
The Republic has fallen. We are now in an undisguised state of tyranny…’    (bold mine. kg)
There is more than one way to a coup, and I firmly believe that the Democrats, by simply ignoring the Constitution in order to create more Democrat voters–coupled with voter fraud on a vast scale–are in the process of seizing power illegally.

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17 Responses to ‘LAWLESS’

  1. Ronbo says:

    Like “DUH!”

    Where the heck has Francis been since January 20, 2009?

    Obama has been the Fearless Leader of a slow motion Communist (some would say “Fascist”) putsch against the Republic from Day One in office.

    In this (hopefully) final chapter, Boss Nigger Obama and Comrades will attempt to steal the election of 2012 – the making of illegal aliens U.S. citizens simply in order to get their votes is just the first volley fired on this particular battlefield.

  2. Redbaiter says:

    The Republicans are to blame as much as Obama.

    Fucking useless cowards

    • Ronbo says:

      Indeed, the GOP since about 1929 has been in bed with the Reds – However, since 2009, the Republican Party has been under heavy attack by the Tea Party Movement (TPM), which is eating the “RINO” element alive.

      This dinner has been going on for the most part under the surface, but every so often one of the RINOS being eaten yells a scream of terror just before the TPM takes the last bite. The goal is to completely purge the traitor-socialist element from the GOP, which will soon be a different beast – call it the Republican Party 2.0 or the Radical Republican Party.

      The Democrat Party has long purged the non-socialist elements from its ranks (It has evolved into the mainstream USA Communist Party) and the TPM Republicans are in the process of a purge of the Marxist/Appeasement element from its ranks.

      The days of compromise with the Left have ended in this country.

      It will be a capitalist USA or a Communist America.

      Victory for the Republic, or its death!

      Thus the decks are cleared for action in what is shaping up to be the Second U.S. Civil War that will be the legacy of Boss Nigger Obama.

      • KG says:

        I’ve finally (well, no, that’s not strictly true–I’ve believed it for nearly four years now) reached the “bring it on” stage, because nothing short of armed insurrection is going to fix what ails the Republic.

        • Ronbo says:


          Amen: I’m not a voice crying in the wilderness!

          As I’ve said many times before, the ominous parallels between the 1850s and the start of the Civil War in 1861 and today’s events are so obvious even to laymen like us, one can only believe the intellectuals and leaders are either willfully looking away from the truth, or have joined the Dark Side.

          Speaking of the shape of things to come – have you read ATLAS SHRUGGED by late great Ayn Rand? When this book was first published in 1957 both the Left and Right went absolutely APE in denouncing Ayn Rand’s prophecy of a world economic collapse and major insurrections.

          Today we are living ATLAS SHRUGGED – and I think I’m on firm ground when I predict that the coming economic collapse will be the final straw leading to a Second U.S. Civil War.

          BTW, You and Redbaiter are my kind of people! Do I have your email address? My top secret email is (saved and deleted ed) :mrgreen:

          Like a wise old Englishman said, “Conspiracies are so much fun!”

    • Ronbo says:

      ….and dangerous people as well!

      The traitor inside the gates in a better threat than the barbarian outside the wall.

      The good news is that we Radical Republicans are on a RINO hunt with big guns.

  3. Rufus says:

    Force, not law, is now the standard. The United States of America has become lawless.

    Scary to read that, but sadly true.

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Sheriff Joe is gonna keep on arresting them, and forcing the Feds to release them! :)


    • Ronbo says:

      A recent poll finds that over 25% of the Americans believe that if the federal government become a tyranny, the states have the right of secession.

      I have said for years now, if Obama is reelected president upwards of 25 states, starting with either Arizona or Texas, will leave the Union and form a new Confederacy in the South and West.

      Of course, the best outcome would be for the Radical Republicans to win the election in 2012 – this way the awesome power of the USA military will be under control in the coming civil war – However, if Obama is reelected our side will play the rebel cause and crush the Red Feds.

  5. Mistress Mara. says:

    Anyone here read this book? Barack Obama and Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies and Murder? I haven’t, but the reviews on Amazon.com are most interesting. Worth a look for those not yet up with it. If the things Sinclair says are true, and I’m inclined to believe him, why is he not being sued? (rhetorical question if you believe Sinclair.)
    MSM coverage of such vile, deluded ramblings of a madman accusing the POTUS of unspeakable crimes? hahaha Must’ve missed it. Must pay more attention.

    • Ronbo says:

      Another of “Ronbo Cassandra’s Terrible Predictions” is that Obama will start an insurrection – a civil war – and that his fate will be the same as Charles I of England….that he will be the first president executed by the Republic.