Off to the coast in the morning

to buy another Toyota ute for work.  It’s a 1000km round trip so Herr Gantt vill be asking for your papers and Mistress Mara will no doubt be ready to administer whatever discipline is necessary. We look forward to viewing the carnage in the spam bin.

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14 Responses to Off to the coast in the morning

  1. Andrei says:

    21st Century Britain

    A violent foreign criminal who illegally returned to Britain weeks after being deported has won the right to stay in this country because of his human rights.

    Deported criminal returned to Britain to claim his ‘right to family life’

  2. Moist von Lipwig says:

    ……….to buy another Toyota ute for work.

    A likely story. you’re going Ski-jumping. aren’t you :mrgreen:

  3. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!Cripes!!!Hello government snoops* and America hatersOne of Yrs Trly jobs @Berry’sWhiteHouse is 2 clean d Oval Office. Yrs Trly whilst dusting and evolving inadvertently snooped* into BlackBerry’s Blackberry which is a cell phone device of some description. Hereth the news is that Southern is being held in chains and waterboarded at Gitmo by captured Muslim jihadists [who want their promised 72 Virgins albeit what they don’t no is their thing will dissolve in the 1st Virgin-a little joke since 700AD] based on BlackBerry’s list of hits he checks off when his Diplomatic Pouch irritates him which yrs trly understands through d grapevine is frequently & it don’t seem that BlackBerry will be using a drone on this hit. Yrs Trly’s opinion of yrs Trly’s former Harvard Law Skool classmate* is descending rapidly on the downslope to Hell and Brimstone how I yearn for the better times of America’s history when it waS cool to be an American and cool was a cool word but when you gotS a President who makes illegals illegal [did he include hisself among d pardoned?] OOPPSS!!!!nature calling tata YrsTrly HarvardPotatoHead

    *snoops- aka** Holderz “Justice Dept” & entire Democrat Party
    ** aka – also known as

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Harvard, I thought you were a Harvard graduate. Isn’t cleaning the Oval Office more a job for a Puerto Rican illegal? Or are you undercover posing as a PRI* to try and secure Southern’s release from gitmo?

      *PRI: Puerto Rican Illegal

      • HarvardPotatoHead says:

        The Gantt Guy* — You know damn well yrs trly is a hARVARD gRADUATE. btw there are no Puerto Rican illegals in America, mainly they are Mexicans, jihadist muslims and God only knows what other trash.

        !!!Keep this under wraps!!! pls yrs trly likes Southern so much and he has done so many good things for yrs trly but no waterboard will get that Southern White Male to change his mind or talk for the Grand Dragon and his henchman Erikkk. Yrs trly is grateful to have located BlackBerry’s Blackberry elsewise yrs trly would’ve nevereth foundeth Southern. oops got a call of nature! tata,
        YrsTrly HarvardPotatoHead
        *R D roads paved down there R do U even have roads or chocolate milkshakes, etc., etc., like UNO like? I do not intend to like insult anyone in our 56th & 57th steaks and am only asking because BlackBerry wants to know as yrs trly believes he knows the answer. Also BlackBerry wants to know the names of the steaks and how much money they have. He may make a few fundraising journeys [with Diplomatic Pouch] and has tasked yrs trly with looking for his birth certificate while there as BB may want to claim one of them as his birthplace so if U have hospitals where births occur let me kno or if births occur only in the bush. Also do you have arugula, beer and maryjane 4 a summit mtg? Only the elite attend Harvard and yrs trly is impressed that yrs trly is a grad.

  4. Mistress Mara. says:

    jonno1. Classic case of ideal clientelle … I’d have had those blokes in slave collars and wimpering in the time it would take to spell quality rubber products and high tensile flogging gear. But luckily for the profession, there’s one born every minute, as I’m sure you’d agree. ;-)

  5. Mistress Mara. says:

    While KG is off stroking machinery and vee hick ills I invite you to google sarah maid of albion. A seriously good site for those who don’t already know. Have a look before the Kommandant gets back.

  6. KG says:

    Mistress Mara, Sarah Maid of Albion has been on the blogroll over to the right there >>>>> for over a year now.

  7. KG says:

    “stroking machinery”?? I had to drive the thing 500km with no brakes and damn near ran into the police car which pulled me over. Then we had to stay in possibly the worst hotel unit in the known universe, tow-start the effing car this morning and I froze for two hours (no heater) until the sun did it’s thing.
    Right now I’d like to stroke it with a sledgehammer.

  8. I dunno says:

    That’s the price of progress, KG. :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      Riiiight……..horses are starting to look like a very good transport option. :rant And I dislike horses greatly.
      I climbed into the new Hilux afterwards and it was like being wafted along in a dictator’s limo.

  9. Mistress Mara. says:

    :smile: :smile: :smile: