Notice anything?

The new “most wanted” website of the NZ Police.

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35 Responses to Notice anything?

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    There are more men than women? ;-)

    BTW KG did you see Gillard got her head handed to her at the G20 for suggesting to the other countries they should copy Australia’s jobs creating economy? (Was on Prime News tonight)

  2. erikter says:

    Most of them Stone Age savages.

  3. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    I thought there was supposed to be a shortage of Marmite in NZ?

    (That will be too obtuse for some.)

  4. Oswald Bastable says:

    They all have a lead deficency?

  5. WebWrat says:

    Some of them have got WINZ bar codes on their faces.

  6. Great to see the NZ Police believing in tokenistic appointments.
    I am sure Dylan James….. feels very proud.

  7. Ciaron says:

    3/16 white fulla ratio?

    • caleb says:

      thats rather telling considering there are 1o white fellas for every brown one in the country..

      welfare, messing with evolution.

  8. DaughterSlaughter says:

    Their ancestors used to eat mokopuna burgers? :cheers -halal of course :popcorn

  9. Murray says:

    They are mostly mates of Hone?

  10. KG says:

    Mates? They’re advisors, Murray.

  11. Hang on, if they’re advisors, they will be drawing a taxpayer funded salary.
    From his parliamentary allowances , of course :)

  12. The Gantt Guy says:

    Notice anything?

    (1) there’s only one fella on the list named Mo. I wonder what the Mo-ratio will be 5 years from now;
    (2) the people who compile the list are clearly raaaaaacccccciiiiiisssssssttttt!

    • KG says:

      1) oh, around 10% is my guess.
      2) But of course–they scoured the files for brown perps.

  13. Katie says:

    We have the same problem here in the states. Instead of Maori we have Blacks and Hispanics. Although only 12% of the population, Blacks make up 45.1% of the prison population.

    But that is due to racism and not because they commit the crimes they have been convicted of.

    • octagongrappler says:


      In NZ if you are 1/64 Maori then you are 100% Maori and live a spiritual and traditional Maori lifestyle, Including being anti White and into spiritual mystics.

      Im sure if you are 1/64 Black in America you are 100% Afro-American with an axe to grind against Whites.. :popcorn

      Oh and you look White and have a White Partner and have the House,car and Ipads.Iphones and 60inch LED HD TV but your still a native in tune with the Environment…

      • KG says:

        “Oh and you look White and have a White Partner and have the House,car and Ipads.Iphones and 60inch LED HD TV but your still a native in tune with the Environment…”
        :lol: :lol:

        • Darin says:

          The Blacks here do all that AND get Africanized names like Swamin Callini Abugionbmo and wear funny little beaded hats and such.They usually belong to the local NAACP,ride a Mercedes around and talk endlessly about being “repressed” by whitey. :roll:

          America where racial “oppression” real or imagined is an industry.

  14. rivoniaboy says:

    Decile 1 school.

  15. Rich Prick says:

    “WINZ bar codes” …. priceless!!

  16. Kris K says:

    Plenty of material there for our “Warrior of the Week” feature …

    What’s that I feel kicking in … oh yeah, it’s my post-colonial guilt :roll:

  17. KG says:

    How about “Darwinian Dickhead” of the week, Kris?

    • Kris K says:

      Yep, that would have to be right up there as prime contender.

      The gene pool cleansing itself …

      Thank goodness there were no fatalities in the other ‘innocent party’ vehicle.