Leftist media: Dishonest and increasingly desperate.

‘NBC Pulls Dirty Trick With Romney Rally Video Edit’

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3 Responses to Leftist media: Dishonest and increasingly desperate.

    • HarvardPotatoHead says:

      Psst just passing this on [as uncovered from BlackBerry’s Blackberry] from Southern who has survived 737 waterboardings at Gitmo “Finally but why has it taken so long to get this holder and will they really get him? obowa next please and quickly” Nature calls, tata Yrs Trly HarvardPotatoHead
      ps: F U government snoops.

  1. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    They have form for this sort of thing.

    Funny thing is, nobody seems to be taking any notice. Opinion polls are moving steadily in a north easterly direction for Mr Romney as the bandy legged, bullshitting buffoon gets desperater and desperater. (New word. You can use it for a fee.)