
‘Yummy mummies fail their children, says Cherie Blair
Cherie Blair attacks mothers who focus on raising their children at the expense of their careers…’
Pretty rich, coming from the world’s ugliest yooman rites lawyer…and we all know just how disastrous the left’s meddling in the traditional family structure has been, too.

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2 Responses to huh?

  1. Mistress Mara. says:

    Haha, you reckon she’s vile now? Just wait until Princess Tony gets the EU Presidency. She’ll be EVEN WORSE then. Ghastly thought.

  2. Andrei says:


    Everyday I see working mothers enhancing their careers, stacking supermarket shelves they are and they do it because they have to – to keep bread on the table.

    And their meager wages are depleted by exorbitant taxation to keep the Kiwi equivalents of the lamentable Cherie Blair in the style to which no doubt they feel entitled.
    The Western elites, of which Cherie Blair is a member, a just about squandered the wealth built up by their more illustrious forebears and when it is all gone – LOOK OUT