A beautiful, true rant.

by Rep Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina.
On the subject of holding Erich Von Holder in contempt of Congress.

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18 Responses to A beautiful, true rant.

  1. MIchael in Nelson says:

    Gotta love it when a southern boy gets het up :rant . At least now the MSM is starting to cover it. :popcorn

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      What’s up Michael? You have something to say about the Dear Leader? new Zealand’s greatest export (as in, it was a great day for New Seakand when she was exported, although we probably owe the world an apology).

      If you have something to share about the Dear Leader, please inform the nice gentlemen who will be knocking in your door in 3…2…1


  2. KG says:

    :lol: :lol: Looks like we share the same opinion of the ….errr……..’woman’.
    I assume after that little lecture, Helun the multi-millionaire on a tax-free salary will be giving up her several houses, shares and cash?
    won’t she?

  3. KG says:

    I’ve never forgiven Key for supporting the criminal cow getting that job. :gunner

  4. KG says:

    Ugh! I just clicked the link, Andrei. That woman is a disgusting, stupid POS at the best of times.
    check this:

    • Andrei says:

      Sorry I should have warned you to take your blood pressure medication before clicking – a clean out is long overdue

  5. KG says:

    :whoop Just as well my blood pressure is always a little below normal. Like the brain, I suspect…… :oops:

  6. Andrei says:

    OK I shouldn’t post this, I really shouldn’t but this is the future of New Zealand, a list MP in the making and you need to be warned and prepared.

    You will need a bucket handy if you click on my link


  7. KG says:

    There are few things more vomitous than a prissy little self-righteous idiot with only test-drive miles on the clock.