Obama’s green energy jobs? $9.8 million each.

‘The Obama administration distributed $9 billion in economic “stimulus” funds to solar and wind projects in 2009-11 that created, as the end result, 910 “direct” jobs — annual operation and maintenance positions — meaning that it cost about $9.8 million to establish each of those long-term jobs…’
UPDATE:    This just in..’Prime Minister Julia Gillard had told world leaders she’ll drive a push to end global poverty by creating green jobs..’
Yes, but whose poverty?

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9 Responses to Obama’s green energy jobs? $9.8 million each.

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    And how many of those companies have or about to go down the shitter? :wtf

    • KG says:

      I think all of them, Michael. This is just a way of channelling taxpayer’s money to their cronies. :rant

      • Darin says:

        Yes after we heard all the supposed links to Haliburton and the Bush admin endlessly for 7 years even though they were the no bid contractor of choice for the US military since Vietnam serving both republican and democrat presidents,not a peep about this :rant

      • Exactly right KG, thieves helping themselves to other peoples money.

  2. I saw on the bolt report that these cretins call just about anything a green job. Sweeping the floor in a solar plant is a green job, washing a solar powered bus is a green job.pretty soon if you’re a whore whose clients include the green sweeper, yours will also be a green job.

  3. octagongrappler says:

    Gosh who was Obamas Green jobs zsar that fox outed? I cant remember his name it was a few years back…

  4. octagongrappler says:

    Thats it hahaha, I think he was a mate of Bill Ayres?