
This is truly insane–unless you’re a crony of the Administration, that is…

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9 Responses to Madness!

  1. One of the sources is a company called Solazyme that has break even costs at $100 per/barrell equivalent. Why the Navy doesn’t use this solely if it’s trying to be “green” is beyond me.

  2. KG says:

    Interesting..I’ll see what else I can find out about the company, PFZ. Thanks.

    • They use geneticaly modified algae in tanks to eat sugar and crap out oil. It’s neat stuff really. I won’t swear by it however, I my have been subjected to some “greenwash” even though I was reading about it on a Capitalistic website.

      The point is private sector companies are coming up with solutions as oil prices rise. No need for government and no need for Navy subsidies.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    What a timid, half-arsed effort by the USN! Surely if they were serious about battling catastrophic climate change, reducing carbon pollution and moving to a Clean Energy Future, they should get serious about it and re-tool the entire fleet with these? :roll:

    You’ll see from my comment, I have received the list of approved Australian Labor Party talking points and key phrases.

  4. Darin says:

    Oh great,first “Rainbow” sailors and now “Green” ships. :evil:

  5. Ronbo says:

    It looks like Algore , George Soros and their commie parasites pals are making big bucks out of selling the Navy “Green” fuel.

    Like my old dad always said, “Son, if you want to know the truth – follow the money.”

  6. oswald bastable says:

    I can make rum for less- and that fueled the Navy for centuries!

  7. MIchael in Nelson says:

    Thank that halfbreed in the WH

  8. Paul Marsden says:

    This guy sounds interesting. (lives in Auckland)

    This is worth a thought.
    This letter obviously adressed to Peter Dunne of the United Future Party, arrived via email. When the anti smoking laws came into effect, Peter Dunne promised to do something about the complete injustice his fellow politicians perpertrated. To date, he hasn’t done a damn thing. Make what you will of this letter.

    Dear Mr. Dunn,
    I am a 62 year old biochemist who did the first indepth research in Canada when politicians there wanted to ban smoking. From all of the research our labs conducted using laboratory mice or rats, all of the things that is attributed to tobacco are a nonsense. Most of things attributed to smoking are derived from fossil fuel exhaust and why non smokers get lung disease. We were so moved by the physical evidence in our research we developed a number of Biofuels from everything from woodchips to algae. Our woodchip reduction for ethanol was first patented in 1978 and sold to a US chemical company who now produce over 60 million gallons per annum.

    Our Biodiesel from algae is unique and we are currently attempting to protect our technology with process patenting, after being told by the Labour Minister of Science that we should talk to a few U Vic friends of his who know nothing about algae, even though the Canadian government paid us $6,500,000 over three years to investigate algae to discover the causes and cures of toxic algae killing the wild fish stocks in the Northern Hemisphere.

    The toxic algae we have down in NZ are different animals. I offered to assist scientists here in NZ dealing with the combatting the ‘Rock Snot’ and the other toxic algae suddenly springing up down here and the Labour government and their friends in science did not want any assistance from a boken down old Biochemist who had solved several fish disease problems in Canada and been published by the UN as late as January this year.

    Your friend Kevin Hobgson has no understanding of biochemistry or Global Warming first discovered by my grandfather after spending 3 years in the Antarctic waiting for Sir Earnest Shackelton crossing of the pole. Alfred Herbert Larkman Chief Engineer and scientist of the Aurora first published his projections on Global Warming in 1916 upon his return to England. Unlike NZ, the British seem to hold my work in some esteem and are about to fund a $20,000,000 Biodiesel project using a rare virus that your friend Kevin Hobgson will not even accept exists. What Labour knows about Global Warming could be place in thimble and still leave room for everything they know about Ocean Sciences.

    Barry S Larkman
    VP Development
    Maxwell Fuel Corporation Ltd.