For muslims, an open cheque, courtesy of Western taxpayers.

Obama to ask for civilian Afghan aid through 2017
Does anybody in their right mind believe that this money won’t be used to fund islamists?  The people in the West are being screwed over by their “leaders” in broad daylight. There’s no longer even the pretence of  hiding the agenda. And still the sheeple sleep.

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14 Responses to For muslims, an open cheque, courtesy of Western taxpayers.

  1. mawm says:

    The West is broke after years of irresponsible spending by politicians and yet they are meeting to raise $16billion for a shithole where everybody hates Westerners. Go figure. :roll:

  2. KG says:

    Unreal, isn’t it? Alice through the looking-glass stuff.

  3. Mistress Mara. says:

    Am probably feeling rather more choleric than usual at the moment but doesn’t a democratic nation get the government it deserves? History will illustrate how great nations were brought down. Mark Steyn is right that America is doomed. Its stupidity is quite breathtaking. I am frequently pleased to realise that I won’t be here to witness the end game.

  4. KG says:

    “I am frequently pleased to realise that I won’t be here to witness the end game.”
    Same here, Mara. Although there’s a good chance the endgame will arrive sooner than expected.

    • MikeH. says:

      In the words of that greatest of all Americans, John Blutarsky; “What? Over? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? HELL NO!”

      The world is full of “sheeple” who only need to realize that we so vastly outnumber the ruling class (or lacking class thereof). And the sheeple need to realize that all of the problems in this world are created by those rulers. We don’t declare wars, the rulers do. We don’t manipulate economies or “free elections”, the rulers do. We don’t starve, rape, over tax and exploit the labor, or systematically strip away the rights and freedoms of the sheeple, the rulers do. And the sheeple don’t indoctrinate their children with praise of Godlessness, political correctness and mindless subservience to those one world socialist bastards.

      God knows, chances are very high I may not be here to witness the beginning of the “end game.” However, I plan to use every breath, right up to my last breath, to sway the eventual outcome of the game, with the hope it will sweep said bastards from the face of the planet.

      It doesn’t end until WE decide it does.