Well, just get on with it already!

‘DOT Construction Signs Hacked To Read ‘Impeach Obama’
Several electronic road construction signs around Anchorage were hacked late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning, according to the state Department of Transportation…’

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20 Responses to Well, just get on with it already!

  1. never thought I would say,

  2. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    You might recall I predicted the “I” word would appear in August.


    I was a little bit off.

  3. KG says:

    It’s never going to happen.

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Nope. The first senator or congress-person to suggest it will have the ‘R’ word thrown all over them. Or if it’s (say) Col. west it will be “Uncle Tom” or “House Nigga” or some other such approved slogan fresh from the Ministry of Truth.

    • KG says:

      My answer to the R slur is always the same nowadays, Gantt—I hate the white half of the bastard just as much.

      • The Gantt Guy says:


        Playing the ‘R’ card is automatic forfeiture of the argument. Play that card, you lose by default.

  5. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    Nevah say nevah!

    It wouldn’t take much. The leaking of his medical records showing a history of chronic depression and schizophrenia? Or the leaking of the tape currently hidden by the LA Times?

    Who knows what the next few weeks will bring?

    • KG says:

      At the end of the day, it won’t matter unless the MSM run with the story Adolf. And they won’t. The comatose sheeple really only take any notice of what’s on tv, and 99% of the stations don’t dig very deep where the Dems are concerned.

      • Ronbo says:


        Judging by the stats, the only people watching/listening/reading the lamestream media are their mind numbed and not very intelligent O-Bots.

        This is reason they are always surprised by news that never surprises the sane, rational and intelligent ones who watch/listen and read only the New Media.

  6. Katie says:

    It won’t happen until the Senate is in Republican hands. Until then the Donkeycrats will protect the bastard.

    • KG says:

      Won’t happen, period.
      1. People are scared of the racism charge
      2. people are terrified of the consequences.
      3. they’re all the same damn gang anyway.

      • Darin says:

        It will only happen if the Hillary wing sees an opening and they will deliver the dirt on Obama.They have been looking for a way to get rid of him without pissing off the blacks,but now even the blacks are getting pissed off at him.The Demorat convention may still be interesting.

  7. john says:

    KG’s right, it ain’t gonna happen, not now, not ever. Obama’s puppet-masters have invested too much in him to see it all crash and burn only halfway through. If they decide he’s become too much of a liability he will go, but by other means. Otherwise, it’s welcome to Obama Part II.