Oh, great! Kabul-on-Yarra, here we come……

‘Thirteen Afghan illegal migrants, including several “ex-militants”, have been arrested at Suvarnabhumi airport for illegal entry, immigration police said yesterday.
The 13 men were detained while awaiting to board a plane to a third country about 10pm on Thursday, said Immigration Division 2 commander Nathathorn Prousoontorn. They were acting suspiciously, so officials asked to check their passports and found there were no immigration stamps in them, Pol Maj Gen Nathatorn said.
The Afghan men had arrived on a Sri Lankan Airlines flight and were to fly to Cambodia and then on to Australia, Pol Maj Gen Nathathorn said.
Initial questioning revealed that some of them were former members of an armed group in Afghanistan, said Pol Maj Gen Nathathorn, who refused to name the militant group…’
Of course, had they succeeded in getting to Australia, they’d have been immediately transformed into “asylum seekers” by the fuckwitted and mendacious “refugee advocates”. *spit*
(The Yarra is the river which runs through Melbourne)

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10 Responses to Oh, great! Kabul-on-Yarra, here we come……

  1. octagongrappler says:

    Well at least this is positive :mrgreen:


    The amount of Migrants in Auckland is making me so sad at the moment Im thinking about moving down the line :rant ….Its suicide just suicde and the migrants dont care about our culture or past, Brazilians all over the place and chinese and you name it. Some has made NZ a fine place to live but its getting out of hand.

    Sorry guys im really pissed off…

  2. oswald bastable says:

    That brown thing is a river?

  3. KG says:

    It amuses the hell out of me to see Victorians fleeing the rotten weather of their socialist state, in droves, and they have these numberplates bearing the state logo:
    “Victoria. The place to be”
    If it’s the place to be, most of us just wish they’d be there and not here.

  4. Darin says:

    I was told the otherday by a lefty who dosn’t know the difference between an illegal alien and an immigrant that “America is supposed to be a melting pot”

    To which I said fine,they need to f—ing melt then,otherwise they get floated to the top and skimmed off with the slag.We need people who want to make a better life for themselves not leech off of everyone else like they aren’t allowed to do back home :rant

    I am so sick of these a–hat liberal winers who insist that we take in every ignorant third worlder who doesn’t have a single thing to offer in exchange for citizenship.

  5. Mistress Mara. says:

    Somebody remind me exactly what alien migrants do that is so wonderful for our culture. Folk dancing festivals are a bore, burquas are hideous and we only need so many ethnic eateries serving goats’ eyeballs, roosters’ feet and pig intestines. Don’t believe me? Check out Dominion Rd. Auckland. Like you Octagongrappler, I’ve had a gutsful of “colourful diversity.”

  6. WAKE UP says:

    I know who built New Zealand, and it’s none of these people. Several generations of hardworking pioneer Pakeha built it, that’s who – and it’s taken just one spoiled baby-boomer generation to give it all away to the undeserving, the mendacious, the oppportunist, the ignorant, the manipulative and the incompatible. :rant

    • octagongrappler says:

      Bang on the mark..Migrants these days come on an airbus 380 so their kids can go to the best schools and get cheap law degrees. Pioneering stuff.. :mrgreen: