And you thought it was just rhetoric…

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12 Responses to And you thought it was just rhetoric…

  1. Ronbo says:

    The United Socialist States of America has arrived!

    The U.S. Constitution is null and void!


    But the upside is that since there is officially no law in effect, the American People are free to engage in a no bag limit Fed Hunt and shoot the entire regime down to the lowest file clerk.

    This worked wonderfully well in 1775 to 1783 and made Redcoats an endangered species in North America.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      It sure is, Ronbo. Combine Patriot, NDAA and all the other insidious laws and fed regs with this latest Exec Order, where His Imperial Majesty can take over all communications during times of “emergency” (such as, for example, when His Imperial Majesty is voted out in November):

      You know those “emergency test signals” you get on your flash new flat screen TV?…

    • Katie says:

      Not yet. He doesn’t have his private army and if he tries this there will be civil war. War enough that the left will lose (even with his private army).

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Oh? There’s no weaponised EPA? USDA? DEA?

        The Sekrit Service aren’t his very own Palace Guard?

        If TSHTF, it’s pretty much guaranteed to be a long, bloody struggle … much like CW 1

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          And let’s not even mention FEMA’s internment camps.

          • KG says:

            “Oh? There’s no weaponised EPA? USDA? DEA?”
            And militarized, strongly pro-union local police…
            I sometimes think you inhabit the fringes of cloud-cuckoo land. Katie.

            • KG says:

              There will not be civil war. Period.
              Rather, people will grumble and complain but they won’t be stepping up when agents of the government come for their neighbour–that age is over.

  2. I always take the followers of the Dark Side (Satan’s kids – no raaacism here : – ) at their word- they write their intent- state their intent out loud – and FOLLOW through with their intent-

    I is time we stopped tuning the other cheek and- Write- State aloud – and FOLLOW Through!- as well —
    so – good on Ronbo!


  3. editing here:
    It..turning —
    time to go watch golf! or NCIS-

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Here is John Hawkins’ opinion of the 8 most shameful moments of His Imperial Majesty’s reign. There are many, many more listed in the comments section, but none mentioned his disrespecting America’s dearest friend Britain like, for example, when The One returned the bust of Winston, or when he blathered on and on and on and on over the top of the National Anthem.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    And he managed to inspire Lexus to make a hybrid SUV, by altering the time/space continuum! His EO signed in 2010 inspired Lexus, which started making its SUV in 2004!

    Remember, he who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.