This is what the Gillard government is importing

Go take a look, and be sickened.

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22 Responses to This is what the Gillard government is importing

  1. mawm says:

    Muslim men have some serious psychlogical and sexual issues. Sick, sick, sick. It must be what repeatedly reciting all the crap from their Book does to their brains.

    Haven’t they learned what a couple of red roses, a glass or two of red wine and a slab of chocolate can get them? :mrgreen:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Look at what Ann Barnhart has published about these sick fucks and their sick ideology. They have taken pedophilia to whole new heights under cover of their sick Book of a death.

  2. Oswald Bastable says:

    Too lazy to do a proper stoning these days?

  3. Elijah says:

    I love how they can say the man read from the Koran while punishing her and they can still say it’s unislamic.

    • KG says:

      Yeah…bit of a logical disconnect there, Elijah. Or maybe just plain dishonesty?

      • Richard says:

        Of course it’s un-islamic. The correct way for the musloids to murder her would be stoning to death.

        Hope this helps.

  4. Darin says:

    I think we should insist the Donors group meet face to face with the Taliban.Maybe put a 100 of each in the same room together for awhile.Bet the money dries up quick.

    Maybe send the donors to live in a Afghan village for awhile,they may then see the error in their ways?

    Maybe Milosevic had the right idea,kill every male over 10 if you want to civilize them.

    • KG says:

      “Maybe Milosevic had the right idea,kill every male over 10 if you want to civilize them.”
      Works for me.
      Alternatively, why not simply cut the bastards off from all contact/travel with the outside world?

      • Darin says:

        I suppose we could do it with drones,but the ones who thought killing that woman was a good idea are just wasting air and need to be shot.We need a scorched earth policy when dealing with the Taliban.

  5. Mistress Mara. says:

    Have I got this right …. the Allies are leaving the Taliban to resume control of their shithole AND pledging to give them $17 billion of aid, so as to improve their attitude towards women? Hmmm, that’ll work.

    • Darin says:

      Yep,and as far as I am concerned it goes all the way past appeasement and straight into servitude.

  6. Al says:

    Yeah, but never be confused that both Australian political parties are FOR massive immigration of 3rd world, failed, primitive cultures into Australia.

    Abbott has absolutely no quibble with the numbers (he wants to increase them) merely with their mode of transport….for reasons that he thinks might do him some political good with his conservative base.

    Be honest and include the Liberals in your headline.

  7. KG says:

    “Be honest and include the Liberals in your headline.”
    I like to think I’m never less than honest. Al.
    The fact is, right now it IS the Gillard government’s responsibility, therefore saying the Gillard government is importing them is perfectly honest.

  8. KG says:

    “..for reasons that he thinks might do him some political good with his conservative base.”
    Is itself less than honest. You’re suggesting that Abbott isn’t concerned about the loss of life under the current system, and you offer no evidence to back that up.

    • Al says:

      Oh dear me……..then the Liberals would have zero argument against providing PO liners to transport them from SE Asia?
      That guarantees no “loss of life”…….if that’s the overriding priority then Aust provides transport. It is not.

      “Loss of life” is code for ENOUGH failed cultures who hate Australia’s Western culture and will exploit it and the country’s beneficence. All northern boats are carrying 3rd world muslims with no papers who flew to Indo or Malaysia on 747s plus a few direct from Sri Lanka, that is no longer a war zone and have no claim on “asylum”.

      The risk of “loss of life” is less important than the import of terrorist or anti western scumbags to Australia.

      Note this for two years after the next election, Abbott will be a cowered thumbsucker as PM..

  9. KG says:

    “Oh dear me……..then the Liberals would have zero argument against providing PO liners to transport them from SE Asia?”
    They would have a number of arguments against that, as demonstrated by their return to the Nauru solution.
    To go from “You’re suggesting that Abbott isn’t concerned about the loss of life under the current system, and you offer no evidence to back that up..”
    to the above quote of yours is a fallacious argument. It’s bullshit, in other words.
    Answer what I said directly or don’t bother arguing. I smell a troll.

  10. Al says:

    Bwaaa…then have a policy to provide P&O liners to Nauru if loss of life is his main problem.
    You’re struggling and you know I’m not troll from many previous posts….

    You drinking ? Your post doesn’t maker a lot of sense.

    • KG says:

      Don’t be so fucking insulting. Commenting in here isn’t a licence to be obnoxious.
      You’ve already accused me of dishonesty. Now go away.

  11. WAKE UP says:

    KG said: “Alternatively, why not simply cut the bastards off from all contact/travel with the outside world?”

    I’ve long held that any culture that could not invent the aeroplane should not be allowed to board one. We have been far too generous with that access.