Ethics and integrity

are just for the peasants. 
Above a certain level, they become optional. *SPIT*

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14 Responses to Ethics and integrity

  1. Mark.V. says:

    The elite look after their own. Of course Mugabe let the side down with his murderous campaign against white farmers, (his mistake was not the killing but being so blatant about it) so he was told, that’s not done, tut tut, so we must impose a few sanctions just to quieten public opinion. But if you keep your nose clean for a few years we will withdraw them and you can rejoin the club of National Leaders with all privileges restored.

    • Flashman says:

      Some foreign office working group has cottoned on to the idea that Good Old Mother Britain is losing “influence” in Central Africa to the communist chinese. Very difficult. Rather sticky. During a break for tea and biscuits some bright spark suggested that “sanctions might be an obstacle to dialogue and engagement”.

      E Voila! Policy is made.

  2. KG says:

    Sums it up perfectly, Mark. There’ll be no EU or NATO warplanes or troops used against Mugabe–he’s the wrong colour and he has too many friends among the elite, who see driving white farmers off their land and killing them as a :evil:

  3. Mistress Mara. says:

    :gunner EU political, mendacious maggots making money. Why am I not surprised?

  4. jabba says:

    from Homepaddock:
    robertguyton says:

    July 12, 2012 at 2:39 pm

    Colin – Crusader Rabbit is for looneys. That’s all.
    Does make me a looney?

  5. KG says:

    :popcorn It would appear so, jabba. :lol:
    Actually, no, given the source of the quote. About as much credibility and weight as the babbling of a baboon, and less interesting.

    • Moist von Lipwig says:

      It appears you have greenish stalker :grin:

      • KG says:

        I do? Somebody would have to have a very empty life indeed, to bother stalking moi. :roll:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Well, I know Sludge Holden is an avid reader (Hi Sludge. Did you take my advice yet?) He gets very upset that he’s not allowed to comment here, and has to make do with his grimy little nose pressed up against the glass watching the grown-ups converse about matters important. :gunner

  6. KG says:

    “..his grimy little nose pressed up against the glass watching the grown-ups converse about matters important.”
    :whoop classic!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yeah well. Bit of a cheap shot, since I know he’s banned from everywhere except Adolf’s place (which I don’t visit) at the moment. Even Inventory gave him a week in the sin bin. But, whatever, he’s a dickhead who flings poo everywhere he goes and has never once made a sensible, on-topic contribution on any of the blogs he visits.