Racist Kiwis?

This is what a racist Kiwi looks like.

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38 Responses to Racist Kiwis?

  1. Jay says:

    Does she think she’s a Maori Che Guevara with that beret? Maybe someone could put a bull… in her, too? :D

    Key is inconsistent with water rights considering he just pretty much gave away the fuckin’ foreshore and seabed.

    Maori elite/National – Both parasites on the backs of the working man whatever way you look at it.

    • KG says:

      “Both parasites on the backs of the working man whatever way you look at it.”
      yep. Exactly.

  2. Redbaiter says:

    This time I’m voting for the white boy..!

    (To the tune of “play that funky music white boy”)

    Fucking funny.


  3. Redbaiter says:

    That this bludging hate filled racist POS and her “co-leader” actually sit in our parliament shows you just how far gone NZ really is.

  4. KG says:

    “..shows you just how far gone NZ really is”
    Aye–and how few Kiwis realize it.
    Good to see you, RB. :grin:

  5. erikter says:

    Time for that elderly Maori parasite to go!

  6. starboard says:

    What Red said ! :rant

    As a side note..just wana share this :razz:

    Is this fella slow or what?

    At a bar…

    Having already downed a few power drinks, she turns around, faces him,

    looks him straight in the eye and says,

    “Listen here good looking. I screw anybody, anytime, anywhere,

    your place, my place, in the car, front door, back door, on the ground,

    standing up, sitting down, naked or with clothes on; it doesn’t matter to me. I just love it!”

    Eyes now wide with interest, he responds,

    “No kidding, I’m in the Labor Party too!
    What state are you from?”

  7. KG says:

    :whoop :whoop :mrgreen:

  8. jabba says:

    Aunty Tari comes across as a sweet but stern Grandma .. wasn’t too sweet at school it seems. My sister was at Wanganui Girls College with her and remembers being punched in the face so eveytime I see her, I don’t get that loving feeling.
    I also sense she has decided to stay on as Flavell would destroy the Parties voter base and the money is too good.

  9. Angus says:

    And interestingly, her father was an American soldier over here on leave during WW2.

  10. Oswald Bsatable says:

    I didn’t know they stacked shit that high.

  11. KG says:

    :whoop :grin:

  12. john says:

    Aunty Turia takes time out from her Che Guevara meets Benny Hill routine.

  13. octagongrappler says:


    You have no right to say who is a racist!!

    Only Paul Spoonley can… :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      Oh…I’ll email the Spoon and ask permission, shall I? Mind you, he never answered the last email I sent him. Neither did Joris deBres, come to think of it…. :twisted:

    • KG says:

      I read that.

    • Jay says:

      There’s a comment there: “With more than two thirds of New Zealanders surveyed saying do not want racial diversity in the workplace, it is small wonder that so many non-white immigrants decide to set up small businesses.”

      Any ideas who conducted this ‘survey’ and how many were involved, or is it just a lie?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Jay, count me as one of those who does not want racial diversity in the workplace. I’d prefer to work for an organisation that does not track or measure its workforce by balkanising categories. I do not want racial diversity for its own sake. I do not want gender diversity for its own sake. I do not want to work for a company that engages in such tokenism. The organisation for which I want to work is one that unashamedly and without hesitation hires the very best person for each role, then fights hard to keep them. I don’t care if someone is white, black, yellow, brown, purple or pink. I don’t care if they are male or female. I don’t care if they are fully able-bodied, in a wheelchair or completely blind. If they are the best person available for the job, they should get it. That’s how I have based my hiring decisions, when I have had the privilege of hiring and leading people, and that is how I expect to be treated when applying for roles.

        • Jay says:

          Have to agree there, Gantt. The usual political spin is that a company benefits from simply hiring someone from another race/gender who isn’t white or male. Of course I’ve never seen any proof on how doing so automatically improves a business, but the bullshit line still gets sold. I’m really just waiting till they start saying that hiring gays are somehow improving a business.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            It’s fairly easy to tell if someone is Asian, or African, or even (in many cases) female.mhlw do you tell if someone is gay? Do you have a check-box on the form that says

            “Please tick this box if you are a member of the GLBT community and wish to be considered for this role under our Diversity Program. If you would prefer your application to be considered on its merits, or if you happen to NOT be a member of the vibrant GLBT community, please do not check this box.”

  14. octagongrappler says:

    Spoon always has an orgasmic look on his face everytime he is at an Asian d grade eatery.

    When will this guy be challenged on his views by the media??? :rant

    I asked him a question about Immigration pushing up house prices and quoted the working groups official findings and his reply was..
    “I dont research or have any idea about house prices, I concentrate on racism and labour markets””

  15. KG says:

    “When will this guy be challenged on his views by the media???”
    You know he won’t–do you seriously expect any of the widdle girls with their nice new shiny “journalism qualifications” to tackle a subject far, far above their level of competence?
    Their job is to put a “progressive” spin on wire-service handouts.

    • octagongrappler says:

      :gunner :censor

    • Cadwallader says:

      “…more of those lip-glossed bimbos from the leafy suburbs!”

      • octagongrappler says:

        Those girls you speak of actually all grew up in small towns from modest backgrounds, No wonder they have a materialistic streak..

  16. Cadwallader says:

    Yes! Not only a racist Kiwi but a cunning, money-hungry piece of crap. The primary mistake white Kiwis make is to accept that maoris are naive, they’re stupid yes, but more importantly cunning! Tari’s father was a US marine, on that basis a job at the White House would be ideal… :roll:

  17. Flashman says:

    A rebel in search of koha?