Open house

Funny, isn’t it how government can always defend a “need” to invade our privacy and whittle way our liberties?
‘..Govt defends need to snoop on online and phone records
“We must stay one step ahead of terrorists and organised criminals who threaten our national security,” Ms Roxon said.’
Right now, the biggest threat to our national security is this government, which is actively encouraging undocumented illegal immigrants to enter Australia. That’s about as close to being “organised criminals” as it’s possible to get, short of joining the Russian mafia.

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33 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Teachers–the enemy.
    A set of standards that will determine what Nebraska school children will learn about American history is causing controversy after an initial draft left out the Founding Fathers – and another promoted cultural equivalency over American exceptionalism.

    And while Nebraska Board of Education member John Sieler is glad to see the Founding Fathers restored to the standards, he said there are other serious problems. He said the standards teach global warming as fact, promote cultural equivalency and fail to promote American exceptionalism.

    • Ronbo says:


      The wave of the education future are the Internet, private tutors, private schools, church academies and home schooling.

      As is well known, “public education” is reactionary 19th century Leftist claptrap designed to turn children into mind numbed Marxist robots.

      • KG says:

        Yep, exactly, Ronbo. It’s a great pity that so many parents don’t have the time or the ability or the interest to examine what their kids are being indoctrinated with.
        More than a pity–it’s a dangerous blind spot that could destroy us.

  2. Rufus says:

    Interesting article. Cue obfuscating by media. Or more likely, they’ll simply ignore and suppress.

    • KG says:

      Thanks for the link, Rufus. Looks like Israel has a cast-iron case in law, but that won’t stop the usual suspects from bleating and twisting the truth, will it?

  3. mawm says:

    the biggest threat to our national security is this government–actively encouraging undocumented illegal immigrants to enter Australia.

    It used to so much easier in the “old days”……the good guys wore white stetsons and the bad guys black……uhmmmmm. :shock:

    • KG says:

      I’m beginning to wonder if the “good guys” weren’t just an historical aberration, Mawm. :sad:

  4. KG says:

    Why don’t they just barcode ’em at birth?
    ‘…Dr Wills believed newborn babies should be automatically enrolled on the national immunisation register, a Well Child Register, and with a GP before they leave hospital.’

    Really? And how would they get OFF this register when they grow up? hmmm?

  5. Oswald Bsatable says:

    Today was a good day.
    One of those rare days when you get the chance to get some payback and the other side is on the ground with their back to you.
    And you are holding a 14 pound sledgehammer…

  6. KG says:

    I read somewhere recently that our brains are hard-wired to give us a sense of satisfaction when wreaking revenge…….
    I don’t find that at all hard to believe. :twisted:

    • Seneca III says:

      It really is heartwarming when you manage to pop one right in the Zebeba at 2000+ metres. Ask the Canadian snipers.

      Me? I prefer the proctological solution, particularly on Friday mornings. I guess I must be bit old fashioned or perhaps the weaponry wasn’t as accurate in those days and required a bigger target at longer ranges. :oops:

      • KG says:

        Oh, I dunno, Seneca…the SLR/Falfn of fond memory did pretty well on the centre of body mass at 600m. ;-)
        Very few complaints from the customers.

        • Darin says:

          Common garden variety a–holes we single tap,liberal a–holes we gut shoot and Nazi-wannabe bureaucrats get the flamethrower

        • Seneca III says:

          Used to be able to group pretty well with that at 600 yds. Also had one with the flash eliminator cut off for work in close bush. Sounded like a bloody 50cal going off and people would start hitting the deck wondering where it was coming from. At night with one in three tracer and without the flash eliminator it looked and sounded like an anti-aircraft gun. Ah, halcyon days even if it did tend to draw a little too much return fire at times. :cheers

  7. KG says:

    Protected species:
    ‘THE Victorian government won’t say if a senior bureaucrat, who falsely claimed she was behind the wheel of a government car that her son crashed, will lose her job.
    Karen Patricia Cleave, who is responsible for policing the ethical standards of the public service, escaped conviction on Thursday for hindering police.’

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    In what has thus far been a pretty shitty week, these two Trifectas were just exactly what the doctor ordered! (and the second one contains a nice Aussie segue)

    First thing we gotta do, is shoot all the progressives.

  9. KG says:

    arrrrgh..can’t get them up. I’ll go take a closer look and work out what’s happening.

  10. Darin says:

    Apparently it’s okay to molest and rape little boys so long as your university has a winning football program :evil:

  11. Moist von Lipwig says:

    The Tizona Group post rather infrequently, but when they do, its generally worth a read.
    Have a look at the latest offering from …
    thefrollickingmole. :grin:

    • KG says:

      Sigh…it’s an epidemic and it’s costing billions, vonL. These bastards need to be put to work in an effing quarry somewhere.

  12. KG says:

    Aaaah…diversity. Don’t ya just love it?
    ‘Australian racism – or a story of warring tribes?’

  13. KG says:

    Interesting times ahead…..we’re by no means insulated from this:
    ‘Euro tumbles as Asian funds shun EU chaos’ Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

  14. KG says:

    The trouble with MMP:
    “Support for National’s support parties has barely changed with the Maori Party on 1 per cent (down from 1.5 per cent), United Future on 0.5 per cent (unchanged) and ACT also unchanged on 0.5 per cent. ..”
    One per cent–and they pull National’s strings!

  15. KG says:

    :shock: What sort of bullshit headline is this, in
    “Pregnant woman among hundreds dead in Syria”
    There’s probably a bloke with prostate problems and a few with arthritis as well…..

  16. WAKE UP says:

    Open house? OK, this just arrived…
    A devout Muslim entered a black cab in London.

    He curtly asked the cabbie to turn off the radio because as decreed by his religious teaching, he must not listen to music because in the time of the prophet there was no music, especially Western music which is the music of the infidel.

    The cab driver politely switched off the radio, stopped the cab and opened the door.

    The Arab asked him, “What are you doing?”

    The cabbie answered,

    “In the time of the prophet there were no taxis, so f**k off and wait for a camel!!”

  17. Ironically, this roxon cretin would be the one leading the mob if it had been Howard proposing laws half as invasive as these ones.