Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Thanks for this, Oswald.
AFL vs NRL…This will open your eyes…
36 have been accused of spouse abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad cheques
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at  least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71, repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits and
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
Can  you guess which organization this is? AFL? NRL?


it’s the 535 members of the AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT in CANBERRA
The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year, designed to keep the rest of us in line.

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20 Responses to Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  1. KG says:

    Whenever somebody speaks of “respect for the law”, just remember who made those laws….

  2. Diamond Mair says:

    :shock: And here I thought that was a U. S. phenomenon …………………………… :roll: Every few years, some “reporter” checks out how many Congress members {House and Senate} are not abiding by the laws ……………………………. makes for interesting reading, although I don’t know that anyone has noted whether this takes place under Democrat or Republican administrations ………………………………. :rant

    Semper Fi’

  3. Darin says:

    I was gonna say what?No prostitutes?But then they all are without saying :popcorn

  4. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!Who is John Galt*!!!
    4 Spanish press 1
    4 para espanol presso 2
    4 free Cornhole press SNAP
    4 BlackBerry press 0
    Yours Very Truly hath becometh sick of all this spanish shit N thinks it maY B emanating from the 169,699 sq ft underground facility beneath BlackBerry’s White Hacienda where Diplomatic Pouch had her way with yrs trly more than onct in the last fortnight**BlackBerry has been sending his double out for campaign speeches howeveer BlackBerry takes the fundraisers hisself because most of the time BlackBerry is loaded on pharmacuitickles produced by his illegal legals that he made legal if U get my drift. Keepin it short for non Harvard grads whose attention span is short and not too good. Hast luego fartheadZ tata Yrs Very Trly HarvardPotatoHead
    btw***The Contempt fellow has asked me to apologize to The Gantt Guy 4 calling him The Goofy Gofer NO way will my superior Ivy Leak intelligence N IQ allow yrs trly 2 lower hisself to that level!!!!
    * for that matter, who is The Gantt Guy?
    ** whatevver that is
    ***btw= break the whites

  5. Contempt says:

    This Harvard f$%k is pi$$ing me off bigtime. Como esta usted U freak.

    • KG says:

      Relax, Contempt. Go brew a coffee (or pour a scotch) and don’t worry if you can’t crack the code — neither can the NSA.
      All will become clear after November.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Careful, KG. we can’t let the NSA snoops know anything about Spud’s Sekrit Mission. We can’t have him ending up in Gitmo with Southern. They’d boil him and serve him up with just a little butter to some jihadi!

        • HarvardPotatoHead says:

          Thank you mr The Quaint Guy, U R a good boy!!!!Lot of activity occuring in the 169,699 sq ft underground facility@ the Black Hacienda!!OMG!!Will clue U N one day. BlackBerry is VERY interested in his 56-57th steaks and assed me to ass around if anybody knew where they are Yrs trly told him yrs trly was not certain but thought they were off the coast of Bolivia.Also if any humans were in the steaks and if they wore chinese made boxer shorts. tata just relax everything is under* control in the 48 steaks. Yrs VERY truly, HarvardPotatoHead**

          *commie lovers
          **a cordial hello 2 D Bog Administraitor

  6. octagongrappler says:

    AFL? Wayne Carey hehe..I cant stand AFL so I will say AFL :mrgreen:

  7. kowtow says:

    at least they have the good grace nowadays to be unsurprised at being ranked behind used car salesmen.( with all due respect to that class of folk)

    is it any wonder?

  8. Cadwallader says:

    This is interesting. The test could be played out against any House of Representatives and I wager the results may be quite similar. :roll:

  9. I dunno says:

    Bugger me days. And they’ve got the cheek to try and tell us what we should or shouldn’t do… I don’t know what to say.

    Imagine if some one did a similar thing for the NZ parliament, I’d bet good money the percentages would be the same or worse.

  10. KG says:

    I too reckon they would be, I dunno.

  11. I dunno says:

    The greens alone would account for a good portion of it…

  12. Anonymous says:

    kg says: Comments are welcome. Anonymous comments are not–we expect better manners here.