A guest post by Darin:

Mayor Bloomberg of New York…first soft drinks,then guns.
part 2 OF 3-Figures lie and liars figure
I had hoped to have this part of the series done by now,but I had under-estimated just how hard it would be to find references.Any data that doesn’t support gun control is difficult to get it seems so much so it tends to make me believe that it is purposely suppressed.Unfortunately the end result of the suppression are crime stats so bad in places where under-reporting and data manipulation occur that even mainstream media outlets can no longer ignore them.

It seems there is a trend in our larger inner cities to suppress and manipulate data to suggest that those places are safer than they are in reality.Take the example of New York City where strict gun control laws have been in existence the longest in America.Evidence of data and reporting manipulation as a culture was recently pointed out by the New York Times no less even though at the end of the article they attempt to downplay the report they themselves cited
Included in the article is a link to the story of Adrian Schoolcraft, an officer with the 81st precinct in NYC. Mr Schoolcraft is a whistle blower and his story is central evidence in the case for manipulation and coverup of crime reporting and data.It also demonstrates the lengths that those who wish to protect us from ourselves will go to to keep the truth hidden from public view-
If we follow the evidence we are lead to a place where when a crime is committed it simply is disappeared and made to go away by the very people who we pay to investigate and prosecute the offenses.Follow the links in these articles at your own discretion,because just the articles linked in those pages will yield hours of reading most of it frightening and infuriating.
Now consider that the NYPD comprises 36,000 officers plus auxiliaries and over 123 precincts and Adrian Schoolcraft represents the experiences of just one officer in one precinct.
So why would political leaders seek to manipulate data in order to understate the true crime levels in these cities?The answer I believe is to keep local gun control laws intact.To see why consider the history of the Sullivan act in NYC which was one of the first gun control acts in US history.
New York Senator Timothy Sullivan was a corrupt Tammany Hall politician.Tammany Hall is an interesting story by itself for those interested,it tells the tale of political corruption and the US Democratic party-
The result of the Sullivan act was the homicide rate rose by 50% between 1910 and 1912 and the honest citizens of NYC were disarmed allowing crime to run rampant.
Has NYC and other districts returned to the Tammany Hall era? No,but they have turned to something worse,crime is now an industry and profits for police precincts is up. Gun Control has always been less about the guns and more about the control.

Stay tuned for Part- III Protect and Serve?

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11 Responses to A guest post by Darin:

  1. KG says:

    Darin, go look for John Lott’s “More Guns, Less Crime” . There are plenty of excerpts available on the net and I have it from the man himself that we’re welcome to use them, with attribution.

    • Darin says:

      Ah,yes I’ve read some of his stuff and didn’t realise it,good writer.

      The single most difficult number to pin down are the number of times a gun is used to prevent crime in any of the major cities.The Dept of Justice even under Holder puts the number nationwide at 1.5million times per year that an armed citizen is able to either prevent or stop a crime in progress.
      The reason the DOJ has those estimates is because it’s federal law that police and sheriffs departments all across the country are supposed to keep records on them.
      Part 3 is going to be the best of the bunch,going to lead off the gun control debate and go into how the current police state happened.

  2. I dunno says:

    Keep it up Darin, I enjoy(?!) your stuff.

  3. Berit says:

    Here is one from Gun Owners of America that I find useful.


    Thank you guys for a great blog

  4. KG says:

    I especially like this:
    ‘..Vermont: one of the safest five states in the country. In Vermont, citizens can carry a firearm without getting permission… without paying a fee… or without going through any kind of government-imposed waiting period. And yet for ten years in a row, Vermont has remained one of the top-five, safest states in the union — having three times received the “Safest State Award.”…’

    And will the gun-grabbers take any notice? Will they hell. It’s impossible to reach any conclusion other than they’re either hopelessly uninformed or mentally deficient, and being used by some very evil people indeed.

  5. Darin says:

    Two videos showing to different aspects of the same subject-

    Who’s the criminal?

    Why aren’t the bodies piling up?

  6. Contempt says:

    My Way by Frank Sinatra http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egY8rUpxqcE

    A good song that I have always liked but even more now. Hope that smarta$$ Harvard gets lost but have heard through the grapevine that he has been promoted to “Diplomatic Pouches” chief deep fat fried french fry chef.

    • KG says:

      He won’t last long at that job, Contempt. Her habit of demanding greasy fries at 3am will really piss him off.