TWA Flight 800: 16 Years and Still No Questions

‘..To control the information flow, the White House hit upon a strategy that dazzled in its simplicity and in its sheer nerve.  The Clintons’ trusted point person, Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick, took the investigation away from the professionals in the National Transportation Safety Board and gave it to the amateurs of the FBI.  There was one reason why.  The FBI reported to Gorelick.  The NTSB did not.
This was illegal, of course, but the media had a president to re-elect soon enough, and they were not about to scruple over details.  The second part of the strategy was as simple as the first.  The FBI would talk only to The New York Times.  This essentially made the Times Gorelick’s Ministry of Truth..’ Source

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6 Responses to TWA Flight 800: 16 Years and Still No Questions

  1. Moist von Lipwig says:

    “Those questions, alas, will likely never be answered for the simple reason that they have never been asked.”
    That’s a good article from Jack Cashill. I have his book First Strike. on my Kindle.
    I particularly like this quote from Mike Larkin (former TWA pilot).
    Boeing spent millions of dollars to reconstruct that center fuel tank, which is about the size of the bedroom I’m sitting in now, twelve-by-twelve. They tried every way in the world to get it to explode—I think they even tossed a highway flare into it! Everyone knows that diesel, JP-4, is not volatile, it’s very difficult to even ignite. So the idea that there was an explosion caused by an electrical spark is just nonsense.

  2. KG says:

    Hmmmm….perhaps not, vonL:

    • Darin says:

      I can vouch for that,when we weld fuel tanks and compartments at work.Diesel and JP-4 are long chain molecules that while not particularly combustible at room temperature and pressure turn volatile when heated because the level of combustable vapor in the tank increases.

      Then there is always the dreaded BLEVE (Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion)

      That said I don’t buy the story either that it was a fuel tank explosion.It was a Boeing 747,not exactly a new design with some millions of flight hours logged for the type and then all of the sudden this one just falls from the sky?

      I’m leaning more towards either a terrorist with a missle or an accidental shoot down by the Navy.There was a radio call out for some Destroyers in the area to “check inventory” shortly after the disaster.

    • Darin says:

      Oh if I could only wake up 20 years younger tomorrow.Affraid my spine and knees would be screaming to get off after about 2 miles of that :grin:

      Did you catch the Ghost Rider’s latest?220 mph and he still has enough go left to pop a wheelie :shock: